Day 34

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Hyunjin's eyes were wide with shock, his tears still forming as he finally kissed back, leaning into the kiss before Felix pushed away. The ex-patient stared at the doctor, a few more tears dripping down his face as the pink haired man sat back down onto the bed, a small tint of pink on his face.

"W-why... Why did you do that..." He muttered, his eyes hungrily eying Felix as the man bit his lip and shook his head.

"At first... I didn't understand what that churning was in my stomach everytime you got upset or angry. I thought it was fear after a while. But then I started feeling it when you were happy or sad, I my face started feeling red, so I thought I was sick. When my heart started pounding in my chest, I was stumped." Felix glance back at Hyunjin's dark, in love eyes, "But yesterday, when I saw you at your lowest, and they was you looked when you calmed down, I knew exactly what I felt."

"So... You hid it?" He asked slowly, his eyes still locking on to every movement Felix made.

"Yesterday, I started suspect I that it was a crush, but as I looked more deeply into it, it seemed it more than that. Only today did I truly confirm it." His eyes batted away tears, "I didn't think you liked me. I thought back at the hospital you were only playing around or something. I thought you were being nice to me because the other got their doctors with them, I thought you only let me go where I wanted because you didn't care."

Hyunjin sat down in the bed next to Felix, "I met your mother, made a good impression, not so I can steal you away without being noticed, because one day, I was going to steal you away for marriage. And I was going going to kidnap you if you didn't like me back. But under the circumstances, my plans were ruined. You are so lucky you confessed now."

The pink in Felix's hair matched his face as he looked away, shy and a slight bit frightened, "G-good to know..."

The older wrapped an arm around him and pulled him close, holding him into a tight embrace as he cried into his shoulder. Felix smiled and hugged him back, despite getting forced on his lap. He pat his back and started rocking him back and forth in a caring way.

"Fucking dumbass..." He whispered, as he pulled away from the hug. The words caught Felix off guard to he pulled away from the hug and looked offended. Suddenly, Hyunjin gave a small smirk and connected their lips together, wrapped his slender hands around Felix's waist, pulling him closer. The doctor kissed back as the ex-patient tugged on his bottom lip, giving him access. The tongue slipped in and explored every crevice and every part about Felix's mouth. Pulling away, Hyunjin gripped his waits tighter as he leand his head on the boy's chest.

"How old are you again?"


"Good." Hyunjin flipped Felix down onto the bed so he wasn't on top of his lap anymore, "Just so you know, I'm a, very kinky, 24 year old."

His Doctor // HYUNLIXWhere stories live. Discover now