Chapter 2

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Word Count: 1814

Averie's POV

I pouted and whined the entire ride home. My eyes hurt, my nose was wet and I couldn't stop.

I didn't even realize we arrived back at Grandma's until it was time to go inside. Uncle Tom tried to help me but I didn't want his help. I wanted my Daddy.

"Averie dear, it's time to come inside," Grandpa appeared out of nowhere but I gave him an angry look. I don't want to go inside. I wanna go home, to my real home with Daddy.

"Oh come on, you must be hungry after your long day. I imagine meeting all those new people was tough," Grandpa began unbuckling my car seat despite my grumpiness.

I swatted his hands away as new tears flooded my vision. I just want my Daddy, I want to cuddle with him like all my friends do with their daddies. They get to have story time and go on cool adventures with their dad. Why can't I have that?

Despite my best protests, grandpa manages to get me inside the house, I don't know how but I know we're inside now.

I can feel him trying to bounce me as if it'll soothe me. I don't want him! Somehow I break free of his hold and run away to my dad's room. I have a stool next to his bed because it's so tall. I quickly climb up it and slip under the covers. I kick off my shoes and throw them around the room before pulling his blankets over my head. They don't smell like him anymore it's been too long and I come in here too often. But I like the idea of knowing he was here.

"Honey?" I hear grandma asking for me but I don't respond. I'm too upset.

"I'm sorry darling," she speaks clearly before leaving me with some parting words, "I'll try to talk to him." I roll over so I'm laying on my stomach before bringing my thumb to my mouth. I'm not supposed to but no one can see me here and it's comforting.

A few hiccups escape my mouth as I try to calm down while hiding under the covers. I'm confused about why was that sick lady in his bed. If she's sick she should sleep by herself like Daddy used to make me do. It's not good to spread germs. Germs are bad. I wish Daddy didn't work so often because work always means he's leaving and I want him to stay. Is it my fault that he's always leaving? Am I too much? My teacher said sometimes I'm too much when we're playing but that was supposed to be funny.

Taylor's POV

I knocked obnoxiously on Ed's door. I hope he's home or this would be awkward. Please be home, please be home.

After dining the bell a few times, I heard a few footsteps. "I'm coming, I'm coming jeez, people are crazy," I heard the familiar accent from inside.

"Taylor!?!" the redhead answered the door.

"Hi, I'm sorry this is so last minute but I really need someone to talk to," I ramble.

"Come inside it's freezing, now is this a problem for the wine or the bat?" Ed jokes as he leads me inside.

"I'm not sure. Joe is - Oh Hi Cherry," I wave at his longtime girlfriend, "sorry I didn't know today is date night," I whisper to Ed.

"Not a worry at all, Cherry moved in with me a few weeks ago," he casually shares.

"What? And you didn't tell me that's big news," I whisper shout, excited for my friend. I did after all help set them up.

"We were going to invite you over and see if you noticed," Ed chuckles at my short-lived enthusiasm.

"Of course, I'd notice, Cherry has great taste in home decor," I laugh.

"Cherry has what?" Cherry comes to join us in the kitchen.

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