Chapter 46

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Word Count: 3745

Nobody's POV

July had flown by and in the blink of an eye, it was already mid-August. Taylor endured a grueling week in Denver, facing her sexual assault trial against a radio DJ host stemming from an incident back in 2013. The courtroom became a battlefield of emotions as Taylor confronted her past, reliving moments that had long haunted her.

Meanwhile, Joe found himself in London, navigating the complexities of the custody case against Clara for their daughter. Joe tried to support Taylor as best he could over the phone but he knew it would be better if only he could be there with her.

Averie attended school while Joe attended meetings. Joe genuinely believed that they had a strong case against Clara which included her drug charges, undisclosed abandonment, and even her overall lack of care for Averie's well-being. However, it was about two days into Taylor's court case that Joe received the disheartening news that Clara had evidence that proved she would have the upper hand. His lawyer and publicist strongly advised him to settle out of court.

There's no way that the courts would let Joe keep Averie, not after what they heard from her lawyers. They said Averie would most likely be placed into the care of the state, seeing as both parents have considerable issues. Joe, burdened by this revelation, chose to keep it to himself, shielding Averie and Taylor from the weight of his struggles. He'd tell them when the time was right but right now he had to focus on supporting Taylor.

In a decisive turn of events, Joe flew out to Denver on the last few days of Taylor's trial with Averie by his side. The courtroom hallway, once an alien space, now hosted a reunion of a family determined to weather any storm together. They waited outside the courtroom, eager to surprise Taylor on the final day and offer their unwavering support.

Joe and Averie could hear shouts of joy, relief, and happiness as the Judge's ruling was read to the court. In the hushed aftermath of the courtroom, Taylor emerged surrounded by her security guards, a mixture of relief and exhaustion etched across her face. Austin and Tree were close behind, herding her towards her waiting family. Averie, sensing Taylor's emotional state, rushed towards her, tiny feet echoing in the big hallway. With arms wide open, Taylor bent down as the security team made way for the small body to collide with its target. Their embrace felt like a sanctuary against the lingering echoes of the trial.

"Taylor," Averie's small voice carried a soothing tone, a reassurance wrapped in innocence.

Taylor held Averie tightly, her eyes red with the weight of the trial. "Hey, baby. I missed you so much," Taylor whispered, her voice cracking with the remnants of held-back tears.

Averie pulled back slightly, her small hands cupping Taylor's face as she looked up into those comforting blue eyes. "Don't cry, Tay-tay. Averie's here now," she said, a wisdom beyond her years infusing her words. This was something Averie's Grandpa had told her several times over when she got an ouchie or was feeling down.

Taylor smiled, scrunching her nose through the lingering tears, touched by the child's resilience. "You're right, Averie. I'm okay now. I've got you here with me now."

Averie nodded sagely, wiping away a stray tear from Taylor's cheek. "No more crying, okay? You have me now! Oh, and Daddy too."

Taylor chuckled softly, overwhelmed by the profound simplicity of Averie's words. "You're absolutely right, my love. No more crying. We have each other, and that's all that matters."

Taylor picked Averie off the ground and into her arms as she turned to greet Joe with a quick kiss and hug. She missed the two of them so, so much. She hoped to God that Averie would never have to experience anything like that.

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