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2 months later
Right now I'm currently going to the hospital because I was called in for a emergency surgery and apparently it was a life or death matter

I rush into the hospital putting on my operating coat they explain what was going on and they were right it was life or death

I rushed to the patient and performed the surgery perfectly but they were still going to have some damage due to the injury and the way they're body reacted to the medicine but nothing to serious

"Thank you for coming in Dr Rene and I'm so sorry we had to call you in"she said "it's fine really but um where's daisy how she doing"

The nurses face went pale "her body has began rejecting the medication and she not looking to well" she sighted "have y'all at least tried to switch her medication" I asked

"Well her mother asked us not to" I mentally slapped myself "well we are her doctors and her mother signed us the rights to do whatever we had to do to help daisy so I want her medicine switched stat!

I walk to daisy room and she laying in her bed pale and sleep I walk in and observe her I can't let her just die she's so young and yea I may get my license taken for this but she deserves to live

I kissed her forehead and cleaned her room a bit I put in her favorite Chanel and write her a note before leavening the hospital

I pulled into drive way and dreaded going in things still haven't changed they've gotten worse it's like they are avoiding me at all cost they stay in there study's day and night and hardly come to bed I eat alone besides jeremih being there

We haven't talked in weeks only hi and byes no more hugs no more kisses no nothing I sigh and walk into the house and there are people everywhere dressed all fancy and in dresses and suits

They all turn to me "WHAT I JUST GOT OFF WORK!" I yell and storm upstairs I start packing my stuff I grab my suit cases and start putting my things in them "what are you doing."I look to see jordan and kash standing at the door

Leaving."I say trying not to cry "your not leaving us lee"

Why shouldn't I, I yall make me feel so alone have you not even notice I was gone today or that I haven't had a single hug kiss cuddle or even a your beautiful for two fuckin months all y'all do is work work work I'm so fuckin lonely in this house I even eat alone I wake up alone I shouldn't have to do any of that when I'm posed to have two people who claim that to love me so much!im tired and I've tried and tried to talk to you guys but it goes in one ear and out the other and I'm tired of having to repeat myself again and again I feel so worthless and I refuse to feel like that again"I try to push pass them only for them both to grab onto me

2 months ago today your sister called and said there was a shoot out I left to go handle it they shoot at rora with the kids in the car so we knew we they had a target on them so we been working on it

Then the incident with rora and journey yk the one when your sister was unconscious so we been trying to find journey some help she wants to go to therapy plans backfired and someone set us up one night at a deal kash got shot so we didn't want to wake you so we went to our study and I fixed her up"jordan was now on one knee

But baby please we are so sorry we didn't know you felt that way we'll do better I promise we will try to cut down the work or at least try to say something to you other than hi and bye but please don't leave we need you"kash said pleading as she got in her knees

"Y'all missed the baby's appointment and there first kick I had to go through that all alone cus what y'all didn't communicate! I said getting angry as tears rolled down my face

"Jordan I'm mostly disappointed in you, you knew what I had to go through cus my household didn't have communication so why are y'all not communicating I refuse to raise my child in a household where there is no communication not to mention I'm not raising jeremih in a household without communication too!"

"I promise we will do better please Lee just stay"jordan begged I looked down at her "one last chance!And then that's it."

They both let out a sigh like they had to stop breathing "and get them people out my Fuckin house!"

They got up kissed my cheek before hurrying out the room

I got in the shower feeling the water hit my body felt so nice I sighed feeling as if weights had been lifted off my shoulders

I felt as the water ran through my hair before feeling arms snake around my waist and a hand in my throat I open my eyes and are met with green and hazel eyes


She pull me in slowly my lips meeting her I feel kash suck on my neck "god I've missed you"they both say in union making my eyes widened and they both chuckle

Kash peck my neck and Jordan pecks my lips I look up at Jordan"we love you Lee we love you so goddamn much it hurts we never wanted you to feel unwanted it's just sometimes we don't realize that we are still in work mode"

Which is when you need to put your foot down and tell us to get outta it cus I don't want another repeat of today do you understand"kash says still attacking my neck

I nod "words lele"yes I understand"

After we wash our bodies we do our routines and tuck jeremih in before heading back to our room and laying down and watching tv

I sighed yall didn't miss the appointments or the kicks well you guys did cus you weren't there but I've been documenting my whole pregnancy from the day I've found out"they turn to me and smile god your a genius"kash says and kisses my temple

I yawn exhausted from today

"Sleep tight angel"Jordan whispers

Goodnight night princess"kash whispers

'God if you're listening rn please protect them' I silently pray

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