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Taehyung's POV

"Aren't we cute", I said while showing jimin selfies of Jungkook and me.

He gave me a soft smile.

"Yah, taehyung", Jungkook said while pulling the phone out of my hand.

I pouted while sitting back into my chair.

"I just wanted to show him the pictures"

"You can do that another time", He said.

I sighed and looked toward jimin. He's been spacing out a lot. I smirked and looked to his side.

Hoseok and I made eye contact.

"What", I said.

"Lets talk for a minute", he sat up and walked out.

"What is it?", I asked.

"You better fucking stop it", he said sterly.

"Woah, calm down, what are you talking about?"

"I'm not stupid taehyung, you're not good at hiding your stupid smirks and shit you know that"

I crossed my arms.

"It's obvious you're trying to make jimin of jealous, you know how much pain you put him through? How much pills he has to take when he's feeling sad or depressed? I bet you didn't even know he took pills"

I stood there silently.

"He even fucking fainted from not taking didn't know huh? What kind of best friend are you? Aren't best friends suppose to be by each other's side?"

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

"I just want you to stop this bullshit already, you are already dating Jungkook, this is hard for jimin okay? I'm not saying break up with him, I'm saying stop trying to make him jealous, seeing him go through this pain is making me and the others upset.. besides, what did jimin ever do to you? The only thing he's done so far is help you and be by your side when you need help right? So why are you doing this?"

I looked down, thinking of an excuse.

"Nothing huh?...Okay then", he said and walked away.

I stared at the spot he was at.

Jimin takes pills? When did he start taking pills?..

I sighed and looked to my side. I watched Yoongi walk up to me.

"I heard everything you know that", he said.

I let out an irritated sigh.

"You know I like you, well used to, after I heard what you were doing to jimin, I told myself" can't be with someone who hurts people for fun!...jimin and I were feeling the same thing...jealousy, you don't understand how hard it is for me, watching you all clingy to Jungkook, acting all lovey dovey...but now I know how you really are, how such a bad best friend you are....I'm disappointed in you taehyung.", he put his hood on and walked away.

I scoffed while staring at his figure.

Only two people hates me, so what.

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