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"Do you love me taehyung?", I asked.

He looked up at me and sat there silently for a minute

"Why are you asking that?"

"Never mind", I sighed.

He snuggled closer to me on the sofa.

"Do you hate jimin?"

"Why would I hate my own best friend?", he smiled

I groaned lowly.

"You okay babe?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, a boyfriend who's been playing with jimin's and your feelings"

I stared blankly at the TV

"Are you taking this relationship seriously, or are you just playing around?", I asked with no emotion.

"What do you mean?", he asked innocently.

Ever since Hoseok told me what taehyung was doing, I didn't really believe him. But to prove what he said, I started focusing on taehyung's expressions, and now that I see it, I'm starting to think it's true

"You know what I mean taehyung

"...O-Of course I'm taking it seriously"

I scoffed

"Okay", I said coldly

I sat up and walked towards the door. I put my shoes and coat on.

"Your leaving already?"

I nodded and walked out

"Sooooo what brings you here?", Namjoon asked while looking back at the book

I plopped myself onto his sofa and let out a deep sigh.

"What would you do if your boyfriend was just playing around with your feelings?"

"Break up with the person, duhh"

"But what if you still love that person, I said in a confuse way

He sighed and closed his book.

"Jungkook, do you really love taehyung?", he asked

I thought about the question. Do I really love him? I mean yeah, he is cute and all, but whenever we kiss or cuddle...I don't feel anything

"I don't know", I sighed

He sat there silently, thinking about something

"Has Hoseok tell you yet? About taehyung"

I nodded slowly.

"Then tell me, how do you feel about taehyung, huh?"

"Well, in the beginning, I did have a big crush on him, like whenever I see him, he makes my heart flutter, even when he looked at me or touched me, but now that I'm dating him those feelings are gone.."

Namjoon sighed and looked straight at me in the eyes.

"You see? Your feelings for him are gone you dumbass, and why would you still be dating someone who has been playing with his best friends feelings this whole time? I mean look, you saw how much pain jimin was going through, he even fainted from all this, he's been crying because of you guys, he's been trying to be happy for you because he got you the person you apparently love"

I sat there silently, thinking about what he just said.

"Jungkook, jimin loves you so much, you're just too fucking dumb to realize"

Weeks had passed. Each day, I have been trying to make up my mind to break up with Taehyung or stay with him. I sighed while walking up to the others. I looked at taehyung and grabbed his wrist. I brought him to the back of the school.

"What's wrong?", he asked

I took a deep breath.

I'm just going to straight up say time for explaining.

"Let's break up taehyung", I said with much confidence as possible.


"You heard me"

"W-Why though? What did I do?"

"You know what you did, stop being stupid", I said


I guess he realized I found out. I smirked and walked away. I felt him grab my arm.

"Wait! I can explain!", he begged

"I got enough explaining from the others already", I said coldly.

"The others?"

He loosened his grip on my arm. I walked away, feeling satisfied.

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