16. Enter Mr Victor Linton!

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I stepped out of the coach—and was immediately engulfed in a passionate embrace.

"Victor!" a voice came from somewhere close to my pseudo-manly chest. "I've missed you so much! It's been so long since I've seen you!"

"And yet it feels like yesterday." Eyebrows, twitching, I stared down at the little limpet that had attached herself to me. "Could you let me go, ehem...darling? I would like to exit the carriage."

"Oh, why, yes of course! How foolish of me! Look at me, all silly and emotional, such a typical woman." She gave me a demure smile. "Not like you, all cool, composed and masculine."

So, she's still enjoying this, is she?

"Thank you so much for your compliment. But don't worry." Reaching out, I gave her hand a gentle squeeze. And if I cracked a bone or two with my gentleness, that was mere coincidence. "I'm not one to believe in stereotypes. Women are just as capable as men."

"Oh, you're such a gentleman!" Snatching my arm before I could get away, she firmly attached herself to my side. "This is how all true men should behave. I can't wait to bask in your manly masculinity."

Yep. She is definitely still enjoying this. Far too much.

"Would you care to come in for some refreshments?" the demoness in human form enquired.

"Oh, you don't have to—"

"Don't worry!" Adaira gave me a loving look that made me want to grab a rope and strangle her. "I would love to serve you. It would be an honour."

Scratch the rope. If I strangle her, I should do it with a bridal veil. Blasted little minx!

Instead, I smiled back at her.

"Why, thank you. But before we go inside..." Swiftly slipping out of her grip, I moved back to the carriage and, reaching inside, retrieved a certain something I had prepared for her. After all, how could a prospective groom arrive without a present for his bride-to-be? "Here you go."

"Oh, a bouquet? For me?" Adaira placed a hand over her heart, and I could see surprise, actual surprise, flickering in his eyes. Especially when she got a closer look at the flowers. "Hemlock, Nightshade and...thistles? How...lovely."

"Your favourite flowers," I told her, with the fakest smile outside of an East End brothel. I should know. I had been there. "I remembered."

"I thought your favourite flowers were cherry blossoms?" Lady Samantha interjected, her head cocked in puzzlement.

"Um...tastes change, mother?"

"Ah, I see!" The marchioness beamed at the both of us. "Hm...interesting that it was this young gentleman to know of your new preferences first, isn't it? Has someone been receiving secret love letters?"

"Mother!" Adaira's cheeks flushed. "I—"

"It seems our secret has been discovered." I uttered a dramatic sigh. "No matter. My deep and abiding love for you is nothing to be ashamed of, Lady Adaira. Soon enough, I shall declare it for all the world to hear."

"How...how beautiful." The marchioness had to wipe a tear from the corner of her eye. "From now on, I'll always remember to prepare thistles for your birthday."

"Why...thank you, mother. I will be looking forward to that so very much."

The expression on Adaira's face would have made me laugh if I hadn't been keenly aware of the large heels on her shoes. I had no desire to have my toes smashed this early in the morning. Snatching back my arm with a harrumph, Adaira sent me a look and started dragging me off towards the house. Deep inside, I couldn't help smirking.

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