45. Confronting the Villain...right?

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"So," I stated, halfway to the vicomte's quarters, "it occurs to me that we should probably get Adaira before we do this. After all the drama she's had to endure, she deserves some fun as well."

Eve gave me a pat on the back. "You take the words out of my mouth, Lilly."

"I am usually not someone to condone indulging in frivolous things such as 'fun'," Mr Rikkard Ambrose stated, "but, in this case, I cannot help but agree."

As if summoned by our words, Adaira stepped out of a door to the left, an expression on her face that was equal parts confused, disbelieving and happy.

"Um...did you also just see father being chased through the house and jumping out of the window, or am I having a particularly pleasant dream?"

"No, no. What you saw was very real." Slinging an arm around her shoulder, I pulled her close. "Let me tell you all about the interesting things that have happened since last we saw each other..."

And I told her.

Told her what we had discovered.

Told her how she could give her dear father and fiancé the finger.

Told her she would become the new Marchioness Ambrose, and the marquess would have to depend on her to continue his precious line and legacy.

Her reaction did not disappoint. By the end of it all, she was leaning against a wall for support, cackling like a witch who had just won the world's-most-evil-witch award.

"M-me? Ha! Me, really? Marchioness Ambrose?"

Mr Ambrose gave a curt nod, his face expressionless. "Yes."

"And father can't do anything about it?"


"That is...that is just...mwahahahahaha!"

Once more, she nearly keeled over with laughter. Sliding down the wall, she fully indulged herself in hilarity—at least until she noticed her brother still stood unmoving, his face deadpan as a pan buried in an Egyptian pharaoh's tomb.

"Oh, come on! Even you have to admit it's funny!"

"Do I?"

"Don't give me that disapproving brother look! It's funny as hell!"

He cocked his head. "Do you wish to continue laughing, or would you like to accompany us to stick it to your erstwhile fiancé?"

Adaira's eyebrows twitched. "Why do you always have to make so much sense?"

"Because I am your brother."

"That's no reason at all!"

"It is with me. Now..." Stepping forward, he reached out his hand to help her up. "Are you coming?"

Adaira grumbled in protest, but let herself be pulled to her feet. The moment she was up, though, her irritation seemed forgotten. Instead, there was now an eager glint in her eyes, and the smile on her face could have put armies to rout. Which was good, because we might be about to face one.

Outside the quarters of His Excellency the Vicomte de Saint-Celeste, half a dozen armed men were standing guard. They were all sending suspicious looks our way, especially at Karim and, for some reason, sweet little me. Why would they...oh right. I was still dressed in male clothes. Dressed as their boss's rival in love, to be specific. Who had just recently tried to shoot their boss in a duel.

Yep, that might do it.

I gifted the lot of them with a broad smile and put an arm around Adaira. Picking up on my signal, she snuggled into my embrace with a besotted expression on her face.

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