𝟎𝟏𝟎: 𝐈𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐢𝐧

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You stood there as you watched the bikes rush toward the parking lot. Your heart felt heavy. You loathed the fact that you were running away, knowing exactly what was going to happen. Your feet began to shift. But your mind was still going over all the ways this could go wrong for you.

Fuck it.

You ran back in the direction of the parking lot. You knew this was risky. Dangerous. But you couldn't bear being a bystander anymore. Once you got there, the fight has already begun. Yelling and the sounds of flesh and fabric being hit were loud enough for neighbouring houses to hear. You look around for Draken. Even in his condition, he was still fighting.

You looked around for a stick or anything else to use. You knew you had no chance in fighting, let alone gang members. And there was no other civil option to make your way into there. While looking around, you spot a couple a block away sharing an umbrella.

"It's such a shame it had to rain," the pretty girl sighs, "Now my hair's all wet."

Her boyfriend tucks a lock of hair behind her ear, "You still look gorgeous as ev-"

"SORRY!!!" You yell in both of their ears, startling the couple and yanking the umbrella out of the boy's hand. You put down the umbrella and sprint, rushing to make your way back to the parking lot. You hear the girl screaming. Normally, you'd be embarrassed or even feel guilty. But you chuckled a little. You weren't sure where this rush of energy came from, but you were slightly thankful for it.

You rush into the parking lot. Men around were too busy to care for your entrance. You try your best not to interfere with anyone's fights, and more importantly, you try not to get swung at by accident. You hear Takemichi yelling for Draken, trying to make way as well. While distracted, you got shoved by a man in a white uniform.

"Who the fuck are you?!" he spits, looking down at you. Without thinking, you plunge the umbrella into his groin. He kneels, cursing and calling you all sorts of gender-targeted insults, which catches the attention of a lot of people. You put your hoodie up and ran. Scared you'll catch more attention. You spot Takemichi again. You take a deep breath before making your way to him.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHH" You shout, swinging the umbrella god knows where. Smacking everyone in sight, not caring who or where.

"Takemichi!" You call out for the boy, as he gets up from the ground.

"[Y/N]?! What are you doing here?!" He shouts at you.

"What do you think?!" You shout back. The both of you check your surroundings. "Where is he? I saw him with you a while ago," You ask, not even looking at Takemichi, trying to spot Draken yourself. Takemichi pants anxiously, "That's what I'm wondering! We got split up some... how..."

You turned to face him, wondering why he started speaking low. A larger man with a Toman uniform walks between you two. You looked down and he had a knife in his hand. Fresh blood coated at the tip, dripping onto the floor.

Your eyes widen in horror as you watch Kiyomasa walk away silently through the busy crowd.

"DRAKEN!!!" Takemichi shouts, and the sound of his shoes sloppily stomping through the wet concrete makes you turn. Draken was already on the floor. You rush toward them. As Takemichi is kneeling next to Draken, you turn the man over. His then-white shirt was stained red at the abdomen. You hear him groan. Though you hated seeing him in pain, you were glad he was still alive. As Takemichi shakily yells for Mikey, telling him what had happened, you lift your hood. With the bottom of your shirt exposed to the rain, you put all your strength into ripping it. You tear a big enough chunk of it.

"Lift him up so I can wrap this around the wound," you instruct Takemichi, which he hurriedly obliges. You wrap it around the man's waist tight, tying it on the side.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐑𝐞𝐝 - s. ᴍᴀɴᴊɪʀᴏWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt