𝟎𝟒𝟗: 𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐔𝐩

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You and Naoto haven't been on speaking terms in weeks. Which is a problem, considering he'll be prominent at Hina's wedding in a few months. There was no way he'd talk to you without mentioning the argument the two of you had last time you spoke.

Through all these 12 years, you've been desperate at trying to save Mikey. After high school, when you and Chifuyu were old enough to get your own places, you moved in with him. Chifuyu had given up on Mikey years after the two of you moved in together. You understood where he was coming from. Not only did he have a job but he also had other ambitions he wanted to pursue. He tried to convince you to give up as well, but you didn't listen.

A few years after Chifuyu had given up, you changed your mind about living in the same suite but still wanted to be close by. The reason for this change was because, in an attempt to make you give up on Mikey, Chifuyu had burned all photos of Mikey that you had. So you wouldn't be able to track him.

You understood Chifuyu's disdain against Mikey. Yet you still persisted. You began to run solo after getting your own place. When Kazutora was released two years ago, you secretly formed an alliance with him. But after a year and a half, he's also become disinterested in trying to locate Mikey. Deeming it hopeless.

You were aware of how desperate you sounded. But the more leads that you got of Bonten, the more motivated you got. The more you felt you were closer to getting to Mikey. These solo missions consisted of a lot of interrogations of members in Bonten. Mostly lower rank. You'd be lying if you said you didn't find some sort of thrill from doing this. It also gave you a little bit of an ego boost, seeing Bonten on the news for being caught and arrested.

The only way you ever got information about Bonten was through the police. AKA, Naoto. He's confronted you, finding out that you weren't just doing simple interrogations to Bonten members and tried to urge you to stop. Which led to an argument.

As of lately, you've told almost everyone you've given up on Mikey. Which was not the truth at all. In addition, you did ask everyone to try not to mention Mikey or Bonten to Takemichi when he comes back. Everyone understood and judging by Takemichi's reactions earlier, it worked.

Since you started helping Hina plan for her and Takemichi's wedding, you've been holding off on your solo missions. You still had many plans for Bonten though.

The wedding finally concludes. Pah-chin was busy talking with the rest of the men. You told the bride to expect the photos to arrive in the mail sometime next week, apologizing as you admit you've been busy with Hina's wedding as well. The beautiful woman smiles and reassures you that she'd be happy to wait.


"Woah!" Takemichi's eyes fill with amazement as he looks at Chifuyu's car. "Is this even from Japan?!" He asks, noticing that the driver's seat was on the left. Chifuyu chuckles proudly, "Nope! It's imported from America."

He slaps the roof of the car, "This is a brand new BMW M5!"

"After high school, Chifuyu started getting into cars over bikes," you say. Chifuyu jogs around the car, opening the door to the passenger's side for you. You enter and he closes the door. Takemichi and Hina take their seats at the back as Chifuyu gets in last.

Takemichi bounces slightly on the comfortable cushioned seats. Hina watches him, amused at how amazed he was. "Wow, Chifuyu! That pet shop of yours must be a hit if you can afford an import like this!"

You look over at Chifuyu who was enjoying Takemichi's reactions the most out of everyone. "You wanna know how much this baby is?" He looks over at Takemichi. The man in the back nods rapidly like a child. "$300,000! You wanna hear how much that is in yen?"

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