Chapter Three

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You were currently trying to fall asleep on the bed provided on the train, not cause you were tired, actually, you were far from tired. You just needed to forget, no, run away from today's events, from the harsh reality, even if it was for a few hours, hell, you'd be glad with a few minutes.

The hope you had for winning was gone the moment you saw the tributes from Three. How the hell were you supposed to make a bunch of strong 16-17 year olds, that you and Finnick were strong? They'd probably laugh the moment they see you.

Screw this, if you can't fall asleep, you might as well try to look for weaknesses in the other tributes. You got up and looked through the drawers on the bedside table before grabbing the notepad and pen, and then walking out.

The hallway was deathly silent, well of course it was, everyone was asleep. Finnick's door was slightly open, but you thought nothing of it, he probably forgot to close it or something.

It took a while to get to the other cart, not because it was far or anything, more of you trying to keep your footsteps quiet, and miserably failing at times, but no one really woke up. You grabbed the remote off the ground before sitting on the ground, the couch was empty but sitting on the light beige velvet carpet was a lot more comfortable for you.

It didn't take you long to realize that the Capitol had a different type of TV and remote, and you struggled to turn the thing on. After what felt like an hour, was probably five minutes, you had figured out how it worked. You skipped over the first three, cringed at how awkward you looked before moving onto the District Five. You began writing, and pausing once or twice, you write down on anything you found to be a potential weakness, and that's when you realized that you are terrible at analyzing people.

You were staring at the female tribute, trying to look for anything.

"So are you just going to keep on staring at her?" A voice said behind you, causing you to jump a little, and drop the notepad and pen.

"You seriously need to stop doing that." You turned around, looked up at him, and then hit in knee.

"And you seriously need to stop hitting me." He shot back.

"What are you even doing here?" You said, while he sat down next to you.

"Well you woke me up, you can't sneak around even if you life depended on it" He said, while inching closer, to get a closer look at your notes.

"I'll hit you again." He completely ignored you and grabbed the pen and notepad.

"Is this all you wrote?" He said looking over the three sentences you wrote, "Your handwriting is terrible." Well he wasn't wrong, you never really needed to write much and when you did, only a few people knew how to read it, not including the teachers, the only reason you were still passing was because your verbal answers were a lot better

Ignoring the handwriting comment, "You can't expect me to get a lot of information based on that video?"

"Of course you can, she's basically an open book." He took the remote off the ground, "Here look," he played the video again, "See how she keeps her eyes down, and crosses her arms?" You nod, "she's not confident about this."

Oh. That definitely makes sense. Out of the corner of the eye, you see him turning to look at you, "Why don't you try with the male tribute?"

"Uh," You look at the male tribute, he definitely seems confident, his back was straight, he was looking up, but then you saw it, "He's scared," You said, taking the remote from him and pausing the video, "His brows are furrowed, his eyes are shifting, and he's looking around a lot."

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