chapter one.

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chapter one. To New Beginnings.

third person POV

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Astrid "Sven" Svensson was on her way towards her father's workplace; the Hammarström ice hockey arena. Her Swedish father, Henrik, used to play on the same team with Anton Hammarström for a few years before they both retired. When Henrik retired, Anton reached out and asked him to join his coaching staff at his hockey arena; wanting the best of the best to train his star studded athletes. Astrid was no hockey star even though she came from a very talented father. The ice skating gene, unfortunately, skipped her and left her with the ability of falling on her butt every time she attempted to step onto the frozen ice sheet.

Instead, Astrid helped Anton and the team with their social media pages. Anton wasn't up to date and hip on everything technology wise and gave the teen full permission to do whatever she saw fit for the organization. As the ash blonde teen reached the facility, she instantly let out a small squeal before racing towards her male best friend. "Bear!" The coffee toned teenager picked the girl up and spun her in a small circle as they shared a quick hug. Once placed back down onto her feet safely, Astrid turned towards Bear's little brother, Sam. "Hey, bud!"

"Good morning, Sven," Sam beamed with excitement as he gave the ash blonde a small side hug.

"It's been a while," Bear sighed as he glanced over at the girl with a knowing look, not wanting to say much in front of his younger naive brother.

"I know, I know," Astrid responded back sheepishly, glancing down at her shoes. "I'm better now, I promise."

"Are you?" Bear questioned, wanting to know the honest answer instead of what she planned on telling everyone else who asked her the same question.

"I am... I'm getting there," Astrid responded which caused Bear to let out a small breath of relief. When the teen and his little brother joined the Hammarströms, the two teens instantly bonded and became two peas in a pod. "So, tell me," Astrid started off as the group continued their walk towards the entrance, "is drama queen still trying to impress everyone?"

"Yeah, he's been here for two weeks and thinks he still has to impress everyone here," Bear confessed with a sigh causing Astrid to shake her head, slightly chuckling at how "drama queen" has been acting.

"I cannot wait to see how much of a drama queen he is," the ash blonde replied as the trio made their way inside the building and headed down the main staircase.

"Imma go get ready for practice," Sam announced half way down the staircase before focusing on Astrid, "see you later, Sven."

"Good luck on the ice today, bud," Astrid smiled warmly at the younger boy before he raced off towards the locker room leaving the best friend duo behind.

"So, Sven, when's the next visit?" Bear questioned in a serious tone; using the young teen's nickname. While the older sibling knew what was going on with his best friend, they both agreed they didn't want to bother Sam with anything so they haven't told him everything that's been going on yet. In Astrid's eyes, the less people who know the better and she planned on keeping it that way.

"In a week or so," Astrid answered softly with a small shurg, "not too many left."

"I'm happy to hear that," Bear honestly stated, wrapping his arm around the girl's shoulders, bringing her into a quick hug. "Also, you're too good to my brother."

"He deserves the world, he's so sweet and innocent," Astrid stated as they pulled away from one another. "Literally the sweetest boy alive."

"Yeah, he is."

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