chapter twelve.

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chapter twelve. Broken Friendships.

third person POV

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"Kay!" Astrid called out to her best friend as she pushed herself up and skated towards the exit. Astrid chased after Kayla, managing to slip her skates off in the process so she could fully run after Kayla without a tripping hazard. "Kay, please wait!" Astrid yelled as she ran outside and found Kayla storming off down the sidewalk. "I was going to tell you, please believe that. I really was... I just wanted to figure out what Mac and I were first before telling you. It just kind of happened all of a sudden and-."

"I thought you and Sky were sick," Kayla scoffed as she continued to walk down the sidewalk, "is Sky lying too? Is she not really sick?"

"Kay, listen to me, please. I didn't want to tell you the truth because I didn't even know what the truth was yet, you have to believe me. Sky just wanted to give me a chance to see what we were and-."

"Great, so Sky lied to me too," Kayla shook her head as tears filled her eyes. "I thought you couldn't skate? Or were you lying like Sky was in the beginning before she got busted?"

"No, Mac literally taught me like thirty minutes ago," Astrid pleaded as she raced to catch up to Kayla once again. "I swear I told him right before you showed up how much I wanted to show you that I could skate now. I was thinking we could have a skate session since you don't have a ton of people to skate with... Granted, I wouldn't be the best but I was trying to connect with you in a way that I couldn't beforehand."

"You mean you wanted to connect with my brother," Kayla scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Clearly, you just want my brother over me."

"No, that's not true!"

"I'm such an idiot, I should have seen it from the start. You both had this look in your eyes from the first time you met... I should have known you'd like him more than me."

"No, you're not an idiot and for the record, I told him earlier tonight that he comes second to you."

"I doubt that since you and Sky ditched me tonight," Kayla sassed as she wiped around to face Astrid, "while Sky may have lied to me, at least she wasn't here with my brother behind my back."

"Look," Astrid sighed softly, wanting to deeply explain everything but she wasn't sure how to, "he was in a really bad place... I just wanted to help him."

"You're just like all the other girls back home. Using me to get close to Mac."

"Wait what? People did that to you?"

"Come on, Sven," Kayla shook her head as tears formed in her eyes, "you don't have to pretend to be my friend anymore. You can tell Sky that for me too. We're done as skating partners."

"Kay, no," Astrid shook her head, "that's not it at all..." Astrid let out a sigh as she watched Kayla walk away from her, "Kay! Kayla!"

Meanwhile back inside the rink, Bear was letting Mac have it. Mac just had recently discovered from Bear that not only did he used to date Sky but the mixed teenager had a short fling with Astrid- only sharing a few kisses but nothing ever came from it since they both decided to save their friendship over something bad happening between them. After Sky and Bear broke up, the young teen wanted to try things with Astrid again but the girl denied him, saying it was for the best and she couldn't date him after Sky due to the best friend code.

"On a team, the unwritten rules are important as the ones on the rink!"

"I know," Mac sighed, not knowing that him and Astrid had a small history, "I didn't know though!"

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