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Hello Readers!

Hope you all are doing well. So, I have just started a new book, "CONFINED BY VOWS".

Some of you might be familiar with it. This book is about the two characters Michael and Rebecca who were mentioned in my book "CAGED BY VOWS".

Both are standalone books and it's okay if you have not read "CAGED BY VOWS".

Here is a little introduction to the book,


"I wish I had never met you. I wish I had never talked with you because you have made my life a hell. You are that black curse in my life which is not letting me die and not letting me live in peace".

"Yes, I may be the black curse or malediction. Call me anything you want but you can do nothing about it but accept me and accept our marriage. Believe it or not but you are confined by the vows we had taken".

Problems come; people die. You cry, you mourn and then you move on but moving on is not always an option especially when you are still stuck in the past. Humans are bound to suffer. This is also the story of a beautiful young doctor whose life is surrounded by heavy clouds and thunderstorms. Rebecca Jordan never had a beautiful life and her life was never easier. Despite everything, she still had hope for a better future and she was surviving but her hopes shattered when Michael Vidal entered her life.

Michael is the right-hand man of the Spanish mafia lord. He is as cruel as his leader and he loves to kill. Being so close to your mafia king gives you benefits and this also includes the power to do whatever you want. Rebecca captures his eyes and he felt the desire to own her, possess her and make her his. Nothing can stop him because he kills whoever comes his way.

Will Rebecca ever be able to fall in love with a monster like him?


I hope you all give my book a chance and read it. I really need your support. 

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