Beginning of the end

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Although his body was tired his mind wouldn't let him sleep in fear of missing something, anything. He didn't want to miss even a single little moment.
It was past four when Taehyung finally fell asleep. Jimin turned to face him and stared at the sleeping man. He was beyond handsome Jimin felt like he was looking at someone who came straight out of a manhwa. Jimin knew even after he was married there wasn't a shortage of men and women who tried to pursue Taehyung. Jimin always wondered why Taehyung never cheated on him or why he never went back to Jungkook. Jimin never put private investigators behind Taehyung but he was sure his brother always had someone, waiting for a single mistake which could help Hoseok pursuit Jimin to leave Taehyung.

Jimin whispered to the wind. This was the last time he would be able to call Taehyung his husband.

A smile appeared on his lips, his eyes twinkling with unshead tears.

Jimin gently pressed a delicate kiss on Taehyung's forehead.

"I am sorry for holding you so love for you had blinded me...I was selfish and took the chance I got to make you mine... I didn't realise how much I hurt you...I am so stupid...I am sorry I'll set you free now my dear husband. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me someday."

Jimin blinked the tears away and got out of the bed. He pulled his wedding ring out of his finger and placed it on the bed side table along with the divorce papers. He looked at Taehyung one last time and exited the room and Taehyung's life forever.
The night before the wedding.

Jeon Jungkook was a mess. There wasn't a better way to put it. Currently he was drunk and on his way to confront the man that ruined everything Park Jimin.
He arrived at the location Jimin had been spotted and after asking the waiter he marched up to the VIP section and saw Jimin laughing at something his friend just said. There was decoration all around him it was clearly a bachelor's party. Jungkook's blood boiled more seeing this and he went straight to Jimin.
The first thing Jungkook did was punch Jimin right on the face. Jimin, who was seating on the sofa was now on the ground, clenching his face with his hand.

"You selfish son of a bitch!!"

The crowd around them erupted with chaos and everyone scrambled away. Everyone there knew who Jeon Jungkook was, everyone knew jungkook could take all of them down single-handedly.

Jimin tried to get away from Jungkook but there wasn't anywhere he could go he was just hoping security was alerted and he would be saved soon.

Jungkook's rage wasn't over with a single punch, he sat on Jimin and with everything he got he punched Jimin again and again

"You bloody whore what had I ever done to you!!"

And again

"Why must you take him away from me?"

And again

"I fucking love him!! Do you understand!!"

And again

"You selfish motherfucker!! Why do you have to do this"

By this time Jimin wasn't even sure if he was conscious. He was brought up by loving parents and an overprotective brother who doted on him. He was never in his life even scolded let alone punched by someone who was famous for his martial arts.

Jimin could vaguely see tears running down Jungkook's face before he stopped punching him, the security arrived and started pulling him off Jimin.

"I have never begged anyone for anything before but please I beg you please don't take him away from me...I don't have anything worth living without him... please"


Before he could say anything Jungkook was pulled away and Jimin passed out.

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