Chapter 22

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I groan hearing the familiar sound of my alarm clock. Stupid, stupid sound. I have to go to in person classes today, normally I'd be excited but my head is pounding and my throat is burning.

I turn over to face Aless who's already awake and watching me. "Creepy." I mutter shoving my face into the pillow. His warm fingers brush hair out of my face, "how are you feeling?"

"Bad." I huff peering at him from under the pillow. "I'm tired and hungry. And my throat hurts."

"Hm, I wonder why." He teases making my face flame. I cover my face again with the pillow ignoring the way he bursts into laughter.

"What time will you be back from class?" He asks, pulling the pillow away from my face.

"Eight." I frown.

"Twelve hours?" Aless asks appalled. I nod sighing, "I have clinical rotations. But I'm in the NICU today, so that's nice."

"Is that your goal? To work in the NICU?" I nod at his question. "I always loved babies."

"I know." He chuckles. "You asked me for one once."

"It won't stop crying!" He groans making me laugh. "Rock her to sleep." I say smiling as he places the robotic doll from health class into his arms.

"How the fuck?" He mutters as the baby stops crying. "I don't understand. How am I supposed to know if it's hungry or sleepy?"

"You try all the options till she calms down." I sit beside him taking the baby from him. I gently rock back and forth as if she were a real baby. "We better get a good grade." He groans falling onto the bed.

"It's not so bad." I say smiling at him. "I've lost sleep over this." He sighs.

"I enjoy it." I shrug placing the doll back into the car seat that came with it. I grab the file sheet from the bag writing down the time and reason for why she's crying.

I put everything away, crawling up the bed to lay beside him. "I can take her home with me tonight, I don't mind."

"No, amore. We're partners in this assignment. You kept it last night I'll keep it tonight. We're turning it in tomorrow so it'll be fine." His arms wrap around me pulling me close to him.

"You're so good at this. I really don't have the patience." I frown at his words, I know he'll make a great dad one day he just doesn't believe it.

"You don't want kids?" I wonder out loud. He looks down at me, watching me intensely, "If it's with you I'd do anything."

My heart flutters, "Can we have some when we're older?" His lips split into a grin, "some?"

"Or one." I shrug looking away. His fingers tug at my chin, "we'll have some babies."

"I remember." I smile at the memory. At the beginning of senior year we took a family life class and had to take care of a robotic baby together.

His thumbs caress my cheeks as he smiles at me, "can I drive you to school?"

"No." I shake my head. "You're still healing."

He grins, "I'm pretty sure you healed me last night." My face heats up with blush, "shut up!" I smack his chest and roll off the bed.

I grab the pink scrubs from his dresser that I had Brie drop off. I head to the bathroom changing into the scrubs and brushing out my hair. I pull my hair into a bun letting a few pieces fall to frame my face.

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