Chapter 34

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My face is sweaty and my hair is sticking to my back. This is literally a work out.

I've officially hit my six month mark of pregnancy and this bump has grown.

Aless and I have an appointment to go to and I'm currently trying to shave my lady bits. The problem? I can't freaking reach anymore!

I already shaved my legs and armpits to the best of my ability but my big ol' bump won't let me shave my damn vagina.

I huff making a grab for my phone. I quickly dial B's number and tap my fingers against the counter.

Yes I'm going to ask for help shaving my vagina.

Years ago, in middle school Brie and I had the brilliant idea to try tampons for the first time. Now obviously we had no idea how to use the damn things and mine got stuck.

Brie was lovely enough to help me get it out. It was probably the most embarrassing thing at the time but now I find it hilarious.

"Hi!" She pants. "I was just going to call you."

"Why are you panting?"

"Oh." She blows out a long breath. "Well," I can hear her grin, "I signed up for another marathon and I'm practicing. Want to join?"

"God no." I snort. "I'm like a million weeks pregnant, now, speaking of that, I have a problem."

"What's up?" I hear shuffling followed by the gulping of water.

"I can't see my vagina."

Brie laughs. She's literally hollering. "Oh V!" She crackles, finding it hard to breathe since she's quit literally choking. "You need some assistance shaving?" She guesses after her laughter passes.

"Yea please." I slump onto the toilet with a towel around me. "I have a doctor appointment in a few hours."

"Alright. Imma go freshen up then I'll be there."

Bries waving at the doorbell camera no less than thirty minutes later. I watch on my phone as she puts her face up to it, "open!"

I laugh and slide the blue button that unlocks the front door. Aless had this system installed since I can't get to the door quickly anymore.

"Come in." I tell her as I press the little microphone icon. Her lips spilt into a grin as she blows me a kiss then disappears from frame.

I wait patiently till I hear the door to my room fly open. "V?"

"In the bathroom!" I holler. I hear her approach then push the door open. She holds a white paper bag in her  hand that I hadn't noticed before.

"What's that?" I perk up eyeing the bag. Please be food.

She laughs handing it to me. "Oak made you a special donut and Grey and Julie both decorated some cookies for you."

My mouth instantly waters as I take a peek into the bag. My special donut is surrounded by two beautiful cookies.

I can immediately tell the red one with monster eyes is made by Grey and the white one with hearts is made by Julie. 

"How are they? I haven't really been checking up on them." Guilt swirls on my chest. Ever since the incident I've only texted Julie twice.

B's face softens. "They're ok. They've been spending lots of time at the bakery with me and Oak. They heard you got in an accident and that you're recovering."

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