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Leo parked the car on the side of the road. The sky was filled with dark clouds but the air was not as cold.

We got out and the fresh calm wind kissed my skin. I smiled and took a deep breath. It smelled like pine and flowers.

"Let's go." Leo took my hand and I followed his lead. We walked for about five minutes and arrived.

It was a field covered in all types of flowers. From purple to pink. From red to white. It was beautiful.

There were bird noises in the background.

"Here we are." He gestured in front of us. "I used to come here with my dad and my siblings." He smiled at the thought.

"There was a gazebo there." He pointed with his index finger to our left. "But it got ruined with time." There were visible remains of wood.

"I would spend my time here playing volleyball with my brother and sister. We would also have picnics at the gazebo as well." My eyes traveled over the field. The picture was mesmerizing. So many beautiful colors.

"We use to come to the lake house for weekends and vacations. This was my favorite place to visit." We started walking further. "We had a different house, but I bought the one I have now just for myself."

I carefully listened to his alluring voice. He continued telling me about the time he use to spend here. He talked about his siblings. I learned that his sister's name is Candice and she's two years older than him and has three children. His brother who's name is Elias is five years older than him and lives with his fiancé.

His mom and dad travel a lot and are always abroad.

And his grandparents died when he was in his teenage years. I couldn't imagine how hard it must have been for him.

I cannot even imagine losing my grandpa and my grandma.

We walked around and I noticed a few pink tulips. I didn't know they grew in March.

"Look my favorite flowers." I took my camera out of my pocket and snapped a picture.

The whole scenery reminded me of Twilight. Again. But I couldn't help but want to have a couple of pictures, like the scene where they lay on a flower field.

I turned to Leo. His eyes were already on me, a soft smile placed on his lips.

"Can you take pictures of me?" I said with a hesitant voice.

"Anything for you." He took the camera from my hands and I laid on the ground between the flowers.

"Hey, what are you doing? You'll get sick. The ground is probably wet." Leo came to me and extended his hand.

"No please I want pictures like this." I pouted. "Please."

"Okay..." he gave in and started taking pictures from all angles. He fixed my hair and coat. He was so focused on what he was doing, it made me laugh.

"Put your hands like this." He crouched down and moved my hands in the position that he envisioned the pose would look like.

He took a couple more pictures and helped me get up.

"Look, I told you. Your hair is wet." He ran his hand through my hair.

He looked concerned.

"I'm fine, really." I tried to laugh it out. "No. Let's go. I don't want you getting sick." He grabbed my hand and made me follow him to the car.

"But let's take a picture together first. Pretty please." I took the camera from his hand and looked at him with pleading eyes.

After a few seconds, he nodded and stood next to me. I smiled and made him smile for the camera as well. We snapped two pictures and he took my hand again.

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