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The blood was being washed up by the running water. The pain in the knuckles of my hands increased.

I looked at the mirror and splashed water on my face, wiping the dried blood on my lip and chin.

It's not like I regret it, I actually should have done more damage to him. He deserved everything I did. That piece of shit should not have messed with the people I care.

Especially Zaria.

I finished work earlier and decided to pay a visit to Kai. He was not working today and I had opportunity to meet him in one of the bars he usually goes.

It was easy to find informations about him, I didn't even need anyone to do that for me.

After I left work, I immediately went to the bar. You would think that a doctor would act more responsible, but anyway he was not going to have a job anymore. I made sure of it.

How stupid someone has to be to mess with me? To mess with Zaria?

The fucker was hanging out with his sleazy friends and had guts to call Zaria names in front of me. He should be happy I didn't kill him right there.

I started taking of my shirt off, it had blood on it. I threw it in the trash and decided to take a shower.

It was the seventh day without Zaria. The seventh day without my Zaria. Hearing her say that she needs space hurt, but I knew she needed it. I wasn't going to act selfish and make a fuss out of it.

So much had happened in span of few days and I knew it was a lot to take in. Her grandpa means everything to her and seeing him in the hospital caused her to break down. On top of that Kai.

The morning after I left her at the apartment, I saw the news. Ash had sent me the photos and I swear I lost it.

The words they said about her were disgusting and sickening. I immediately called her and hearing her cry made my heart clench in a painful way.

It was all because of me. I was responsible for it.

When I got to her apartment no one was there. I called her so many times but she didn't pick up. Panic was rising in my chest and with that I decided to call Rowan and ask him, if his fiancé knew anything.

After finding out that she was in the hospital, I pressed on the pedal and arrived there in dangerously short time.

And there she was, it was like my soul came back to my body. She was there safe and sound. It took so much not to drag her with me and keep her to my side the whole time.

But when I came back and saw the nurses carrying her, my heart stopped and my breathing got short. I didn't know what to do. I was losing it and I couldn't help her. At that moment I felt useless.

It was the worst feeling not be able to help your loved ones. It hurt so much.

I rubbed the place over my heart, still feeling the pain.

The water has gotten cold and I haven't even noticed. I couldn't focus on anything lately. All I need was her. My Zaria.

I got out of the shower and put on some sweatpants and dried my hair with a towel. When I looked at the mirror all I saw was a hollow, empty man. The dark circles around my eyes were worse and my lip was busted from the fight.

She hasn't called me and I was not going to call her and bother her. If she needed a break, I was going to give it to her. As much as it hurt, she was more important. Her well being was more important.

Her grandpa was out of hospital and that's where she was staying. With them. At least I knew she was not alone.

So many times I picked the phone, wanting to send her at least a message. But I didn't.

I wasn't going to suffocate her with my neediness and clinginess.

I took the phone in my hands and checked if there was a call from her. I had the phone on me all the time in case she needed me.

There has been so many things that I wanted to be different. Meeting her parents should have been done on our terms, not in the hospital, not when I was not in my right mind.

Our date should have been our private thing, not for everyone to see.

Everything should have been different.

It was 7pm and the sun has sat, the city lights illuminated the living room. I sat on the sofa and rested my head on the back of it. A long sigh left my body.

The phone vibrated and a message popped on the screen. I quickly took it in my hands and opened it.

Disappointed settled in me, when I saw that it was not her. It was a pointless email.

I cursed under my breath and leaned back again.

Closing my eyes, I imagined her next to me, holding her in my arms. Her soft brown hair falling over her beautiful face. She had the most beautiful dark brown, almost black eyes I've ever seen. They were so mysterious and welcoming.

My thoughts were interrupted by the door bell. Who could be at this time? Ash was not in town.

I rolled my eyes and pushed myself off the sofa. I made my way down the hall and stepped in front of the door. I opened it and two delicate hands wrapped around my neck.

Her scent filled the room around us and settled into my lungs. I welcomed her embrace.

My Zaria was here.

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