Chapter Seven

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Part of me had forgotten about Philip. I have other things to do all day. Not my fault. I looked down at Philip. Still wearing his attire from earlier.

"Alaric, do you have anything to say to Philip?" Mom asked me.

"Sorry I slashed you with water." I said nonchalantly.

"That's not- Come on, Alaric! Just a normal apology." Mom said.

"I'll apologize until he apologizes." I pointed at Philip.

"What? Me? I'm not the one who was hosed down and sent to a dungeon! You should apologize to me! I was just doing my job!" Philip angrily said back.

"This isn't going anywhere! Look, Alaric, it's obvious you're in the wrong. You shouldn't have abused your power, even if you are the king. Philip is our guest and you should respect him." Mom told me.

"Maybe if Philip didn't disobey me, he would be home right now and not freezing from his wet clothes!" I said.

My mom has had enough. Philip looks uncomfortable. Even the guard looks like he wants to go have dinner already.

"Fine!" I groaned. "I'll apologize." I turned to Philip. "But just this once!"

"Oh good grief..." The guard next to me said.

"I'm... sorry, Philip. I shouldn't have... hosed you down and punished you." I tried not to gag on my own words.

"And what have you learned from this?" Mother asked.

"Seriously?" I whispered to her. "I learned not to 'abuse' my power. I'll be better next time."

As if.

"Excellent!" Mom said. "Do you accept his apology, Mr. Bellerose?" Mom asked the plebeian.

"Mmm, sure. I accept your apology, King Alaric." Philip replied. The smirk on his face showed that he was satisfied that the king himself had to apologize to him.

He better not let his ego go up from this. I can still do whatever I want to him with the snap of a finger.

"I'm glad to have witnessed this! Philip, I'll have a car come by and take you home. You can go get your materials." Mother said to Philip.

Philip thanked her and was escorted by a guard into the gardens to collect his utensils. I was getting up from my throne and just wanted to get to my room and relax for a while.

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