Chapter Seventeen

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"Dad!" I called out. My dad walked over to me and stood next to me, looking at what I was looking at.

"Wow." My dad gasped. He bent down and kneeled next to the roses, not caring that his delicate jeans were getting dirty. "I always look forward to late spring. That's when the prettiest roses bloom."

"Didn't you give mother roses on your first date together?" I asked my dad, kneeling down next to him too.

"I did, in fact. She claims that she knew I was the one from that moment." Dad said. I watched him reach forward and carefully rip a red rose off one of the rose bushes. He held it up to me and allowed me to smell it.

"It smells heavenly." I said.

"Exactly. I love these flowers." He said. He let out a small grunt. I quickly looked down and saw that my dad had gotten pricked by a thorn.

"Are you okay, dad?" I asked him.

Dad just shrugged. "It's fine. Doesn't hurt too bad." He put his finger to his mouth and sucked the blood off his finger. "I've faced worse than a thorn prick." He said.

"Well, you should still get some antibiotics. You never know." I said.

"I'm fine. Now come on. You have sword practice." Dad said. I saw him set the rose down gently on the dirt. I also stood up and we patted ourselves down and got rid of the dirt.

Both my dad and I walked into the castle. I went up to my room to change while my dad talked to a few people. After I had changed, I walked down and met up with my parents.

"Lead the way, Prince Alaric." Dad said. I nodded and began marching into the west wing towards the sword practice room. I was greeted by the guy who helps me with my practice.

I spent an hour practicing. My dad would coach me on techniques to improve my form. He always gives me the best advice. There's a reason why my dad is so loved. He isn't just loved by his family but by all his citizens. And I aspire to be just like him.

Afterwards, it was time for dinner. We sat at the table. I talked to my mother about my day while dad sat back and smiled at his family. Then, I saw him begin to clutch his stomach. He stumbled out of the room. I was worried a bit and waited for him to come back.

When time passed, mother and I stood up and went to look for him. We found him in a communal bathroom, throwing up in a toilet. We called for a doctor to check up on him. But his condition only went downhill from there.

One minute, he just had stomach cramps. Next, he was in a private room with the country's best doctors doing work on him.

"How could this have happened?!" Mother shouted.

"It seems that when he pricked himself on the thorn, a fungal bacteria entered his bloodstream, your highness." The doctor explained.

"It's a bacteria! It shouldn't cause this much damage!" Mother shrieked.

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