Chapter 10 - Report...

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3rd P

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3rd P.O.V.

"Make it brief General Kaufmman, how's the base?"

Mark was doing his normal stuff in his office in the city hall, writing letters, signing some papers to approve some new locations of FOBs, looking at the economy of the nation, and many more. Luckily for him, the nation is stable and the economy is improving steadily.

His girlfriend is exploring the City Hall, familiarizing herself once again with the layout of the building, despite being inside the City Hall for at least two months now, she still liked to explore regardless, much to Mark's confusion. But all in all, it was a pretty normal day for both of them.

That is until their Chief of the Army, General Kaufmman entered the officer so suddenly, surprising Mark with his sudden arrival.

After Kaufmman gathered his bearings, he told what happened in one of their military bases in the north, which is FOB Jupiter, the same FOB where a specific recon unit found a human settlement in the area. Right now General Kaufmman reported what happened in the FOB while Mark listened, absorbing the information he heard from Kaufmman.

It had been about thirty minutes since the attack of FOB Jupiter took place, and the unexpected arrival of the Lizardmen caught James and the rest of the staff off guard. They didn't expect the Lizardmen to meet them this early on, much less a war group of Lizardmen.

"Fortunately for us, they managed to hold their ground and defeated the invading force, which was told that they outnumbered them four to one. Luckily, our men have the range advantage and the presence of some air support and heavy vehicles, making it easy for them to hold long enough that the enemy lost momentum and soldiers, making them retreat back." Kaufmman told Mark.

Right now the only people who knew this piece of information are James and the military staff, the public of course still doesn't know about it, but he decided to say nothing to them to avoid any panic, although considering that he did a speech about them ready for war, their reaction may be different. But for now, he will keep this information to himself and the government.

Mark sighed in relief when he heard his soldiers are still kicking and well alive, "That's good to hear, any loses on our side?" he then looked back at Kaufmman. 

"Fortunately for us, they suffered no casualties."

Mark was relieved when he heard the FOB didn't suffer any casualties. After that, he looked back at some papers on his desk, information that contains the details of the event that happened in FOB Jupiter, "From what the reports say, there is more Lizardmen force behind a hill from the southwest that didn't join in the charge right?" he asked Kaufmman.

"Yes mister President, even the FOB, and our military staff don't know their purpose. But we speculate that they contain the overall commander of the forces there."

Still not looking back at Kaufmman, flipping a few pages, he asked again, "Are there any significant threats for our men over there?"

Kaufmman rubbed his chin at that question, trying to remember from the reports if the Lizardmen possess any dangerous weapons to their soldiers, "Uhm, apart from the catapults, they said that's only about it."

Mark sighed as he rubbed his head, "I didn't expect we meet them again this early, I was expecting we would meet them a dozen more months or so," looking back at Kaufmman, he asked him a question, "What do you think the next course of action? From what I can see on the reports, the remaining forces are yet to retreat."

"We assumed that's the case, mister President, we speculate they could possibly wait for more reinforcements, so High Command already made plans and is currently relaying those plans for FOB Jupiter to push them out of the region, we also contacted the nearest FOB to send some reinforcements for FOB Jupiter, which is FOB Uranus."

"FOB Uranus? aren't they a few hours away from FOB Jupiter? can they even make it time?"

It was true, it was Mark's error to not bask in the vast distances between bases on the border, he didn't notice the distances between the bases in a week when he took notice of the massive gaps in between the bases. So in order to ease the travel time between the bases, he ordered the military to start creating new bases in between the massive gaps to strengthen the military presence and improve the security on their border.

"No worries about that mister President, I have full confidence for our men on FOB Jupiter to hold long enough for the reinforcements to arrive on time to strengthen the defenses of FOB Jupiter," he said with full confidence. But Mark is still worried about his soldiers.

"And what happens if they don't arrive on time? you know they are still my responsibility if they die," Mark said to Kaufmman, fearing for the lives of his soldiers in the FOB if the reinforcements didn't arrive on time.

But Kaufmman waved his hand to calm their President, "No need to worry mister President, I will take full responsibility if any deaths occurred on our soldiers." he told him, telling him that he will take responsibility for their deaths if it occurs.

Mark sighed again, he looked at Kaufmman with a determined look, "Okay, I trust your ability to safeguard our soldiers, General, don't disappoint me," he warned Kaufmman, to which Kaufmman flinched at the sudden change in tone and look.

"O-Of course mister President! I won't let you down!" he said exclaimed, stuttering a bit.

Mark nods at Kaufmman, trusting his ability to reinforce the soldiers at FOB Jupiter, "Good, you are dismissed General," he said, waving his hand outwards.

With nothing to say, Kaufmman saluted Mark and left the room, leaving Mark in his room with the papers from the military, regarding the situation of FOB Jupiter. Sighing once again, he put aside the papers and focused on another set of papers, considering they might meet the Lizardmen or any hostile nations in the world, he thought of finally creating a fleet, and that's what the papers hold.

 Sighing once again, he put aside the papers and focused on another set of papers, considering they might meet the Lizardmen or any hostile nations in the world, he thought of finally creating a fleet, and that's what the papers hold

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a very short chapter for this story, I do apologize but considering i have other stories to update, im very sorry.

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Anyways, hope you guys enjoy the chapter, see ya next time :DDDD

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