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Ryan's ignoring me.

Why? I don't know.

He was fine when we came back from Paris. We even talked about to start trying for a kid and to make one of the rooms into a nursery after Ryan said he wants to make a family with me.

But since last week, when he came back from work, he has been quiet.

He doesn't say anything. He spends most of his time in the study room. Whenever I tried to wait for him so we could cuddle at night, he wouldn't come till I had fallen asleep.

Whenever I try to hug him or be affectionate, he doesn't return the affection, he barely looks at me. He excuses himself then leaves.

We're right where we started off.

It's worse than that.

At the start of our marriage; yes, we didn't talk but we still exchanged hi's or hello's, even said 'good morning' or 'good night'.

But now, Ryan has changed into a completely different person.

Something is bothering him.

I don't know what is.

But I'm scared.

It's Saturday night so I'm thinking of asking Ryan what's wrong and trying to spend time with him.

I even cooked lasagna- which is his favorite since his mom cooked it everytime for him.

Ryan came home 2 hours ago and went straight to our room. He hasn't come out from our room since then. When I tried to go in, it was locked and when I asked him if everything was okay, he didn't response.

That brought the ache in my chest again.

You did something.

Did I? I don't remember anything that would upset him. But still, I will ask him.

I came out of my thoughts as I heard Ryan coming downstairs. I quickly rushed out of the kitchen to find him wearing his tuxedo.

Why is he dressed up?

"Ryan?" I said, Ryan's hand stopped on the doorknob "where are you going?"

After which felt like a decade, Ryan finally said "Out. I have to meet someone."

Meet someone?

"Oh, you didn't tell me you were going out... I made dinner." I tried to put a smile on my face but Ryan didn't once look at me "I made lasagna."

"You can eat. I'll eat out." He turned the doorknob to leave and my heart started racing as it knew if Ryan walked out of the door, he might not come back.

That's stupid.

But it could be true.

"Ryan, wait!" I said and his hand froze "please, just... Wait." I swallowed down my tears as I spoke "you haven't spoken to me for a week. You've changed into a completely different person. I.." my voice broke "I'm scared.."

"There's nothing to be scared of, Rose."

But there is. There's so much to be scared of. I'm scared you'll loose feelings for me. I'm scared you'll leave me. I'm scared this marriage will end. I'm scared I might never see you again.

As much as the next sentence hurt me, I couldn't hold back myself from knowing the truth "are you seeing someone else?"

Ryan's head snapped towards me. Our eyes finally locked as his eye brows drew down together.

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