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A Month passed, Ryan kept his word.

He didn't send me our divorce papers.

According to Finn, John never prepared any divorce papers.

"Even if he had, Ryan would've ripped them apart." Finn said.

I knew what he was trying to do.

And worst of all, I was relieved that he didn't send it.

This past month, Ryan had sent me tons of presents.

A book bouquet for every week.

I haven't opened any of them.

They're all sitting on my desk, untouched.

He sent me almost every book I want. And as much as I want to read those books, I always stop myself. Because once I pick up that book, I will never forget who sent it.

I told Bree to call Ryan and tell him not to send any more gifts.

She did.

He simply said "I will keep sending gifts till she forgives me and comes home."

It was the way he said 'home' that tied a knot in my chest.

He still calls his house my home and my heart agrees.

I've blocked him from everywhere so he can't contact me.

If Ryan wasn't enough, I'm facing more problems with apartment hunting.

I've went through 5 perfect small apartments and put my deal on it but I didn't get one of them.

When I try to contact the owner, they either ignore me or say "we're sorry but someone else put a higher deal on it."

That's the same sentence I've just heard right now.

I squeeze my eyes shut as I try to stay calm.

"Can you talk to them, please? I need this apartment as soon as I can get it." I say, trying to sound as much convincing as I can.

"I'm sorry, kid."

I sigh

"Have a good day." He says before he hangs up.

I move the phone from my ear and glare at it as if it's the phone's fault.

I sigh in defeat.

Someone knocks on my door.

"There's something for you." Finn's voice comes through the door.

My blood boils.

I know what it is and who sent it.

I open the door and Finn's standing in front of me with a grin.

He enjoys watching me get pissed at every gift Ryan sends.

"The cover's really pretty." Is what he says when I raise my eye brow

"I'm sure it is." I say, annoyed.

I walk past him towards the stairs going down.

Finn behind me.

As I step on the last step, I see the bouquet placed on the counter table.

I take a deep breath and walk towards it.

I stop and stare at it.

"He kept his word." Bree says.

I look up.

She's standing across the counter with her lips forming a thin line.

I look down at the bouquet.

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈𝐟 𝐖𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐈𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 Where stories live. Discover now