3~Stop lying, Mira

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"Siddharth," Papa called out

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"Siddharth," Papa called out.

"Ji papa?" I replied with a smile.

"Congratulations, I'm so proud of you,"

I knew that when Papa would come to know that we had succeeded in our project, he would be so pleased.

"Thank you so much, Papa but it wasn't just me who cracked the deal as it was the hard work and commitment of our team also."

I could see the pride and tenderness in his eyes as he beamed and nodded at my statement.

When I was ten, Maa passed away from cancer, and it wounded us, especially my papa. He had loved Maa so deeply that even a mere word couldn't hold the power to convey the power of his feelings for her, and seeing him cry for the first time, openly, was tough. After her death, Papa withdrew into himself. Despite his own pain, he never faltered in his role as a father. He always managed to make me smile, even when I was at my lowest, and he cooked my favorite meals to comfort me. He showered me with love and tried to fill the void left by my mother's absence. Yet, behind his efforts to be strong for me, I could see his own longing for my Mumma's love.

I often find myself wondering whether my mother would still be proud of the person I've become. Would she look upon this older version of me with pride, despite my flaws? Would she see beyond the cursing that slips from my lips in moments of frustration, despite her teachings against it? I can't help but wonder how she envisioned me growing up. Did she imagine her son remaining the shy, innocent boy who was always hesitant to make friends? Or did she hope for a gentleman who would always show respect to his elders and treat women with respect? Sometimes, I reflect on my younger self, and I wonder if that's how she imagined my future. If only she could be here with me...

As I came out of those thoughts, my eyes met Mira's and found her smiling at me.

I flashed a grin at her and silently mouthed, "What?" She shook her head but winked back at me, which just made me chuckle and shake my head in amusement.

"Ah, you two," my old hag said, interrupting us. "Focus on your dinner," she said, making Mira's cheeks the color of beetroot.

This woman can't even let me have a moment with my wife.

"So, is everything prepared for tomorrow's event?" Papa asked, preventing me from picking another argument with Dadi-sa.

As a sudden realization sprang upon me, I remembered the party scheduled for tomorrow.

"Almost there, Papa. I've already instructed my secretary to oversee the final details for tomorrow," I replied confidently.

"Excellent," Papa nodded in approval.

"Event?" Mira asked, seemingly confused.

"Yeah, we're hosting a party tomorrow evening-"

"And now you are informing us?" Mira scoffed, shaking her head. "You should have at least told us beforehand. How are we supposed to get everything ready in just 24 hours?" Her brown eyes shot daggers at me while I gulped.

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