A quick introduction and a break away from hell

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how am i having writers block again -_-

sangwon 🤝🏼 me this chapter
can't think of ideas

what am i doing how does one introduce themselves in one minute AND convince people to love them

did they get to leave before first mission? whatever it's here in this story

At this point Sangwon has thought of a couple ideas and very quickly scrapped them. Butterfly knife tricks? Knives aren't allowed on camera. Lacing up a corset? That takes 7 minutes minimum. Teaching the viewers insults? People will call him a bad influence.

"You look awful. What happened?" Matthew asked. It was lunch time and Sangwon was poking at his food, zones out, trying to think of ideas.

"I have no personality no one's gonna vote for me." he deadpanned. Nearby trainees laughed at his crisis. "I'm not joking! The things I thought of either can't be aired or can't be done in one minute."

"It's not that difficult. Share a hobby or something fun!" Matthew was trying to help. It wasn't working.

"Easy for you to say extrovert." At this point the whole table was laughing at their shenanigans. Except Sangwon of course. He laid his down in frustration.

"We need to finalise and get our props tomorrow and I don't even know what I'm going to do..." he sighed.

"I mean even if it's bad you might still go viral." Haruto said.

"Ignore him. I think staying true to yourself is the best way to go." Zhang Hao said.

"It's too loud to think, I'm going to a practice room or something. I'll see you at dinner probably." Sangwon said and left the table.


Sangwon found his way to a small, empty storage closet. He closed the door and asked himself some questions to hopefully help him figure out what to do.

'Alright, it doesn't need to be good it just needs to be entertaining. Man why didn't they teach this at the company? Ok what am I good at other than idol stuff?' Sangwon couldn't answer that question.

'Fuck it I'm showing idol skills I don't know what else to do. I'm staying true to myself at least. So Black Mamba high note and Bad Love choreo? It needs to be SM songs so they don't kill me. But I probably need to come up with some kind of script.'

And after half an hour in the stuffy closet Sangwon finally walked out, relieved that he finally thought of what to do, even if it was boring.


The voice signalled the start of the time attack and the doors slid open to reveal Sangwon. He was dressed in a sweater and jeans and standing in the middle of the room.

"Hello, I'm an individual K group trainee Bae Sangwon. I was born on 16 January 2003. My main position is vocalist but I'm also confident in my dancing abilities." he said.

Sangwon took a deep breath and sung the bridge of aespa's Black Mamba. After completing the high note, he walked to the tablet nearby and put on Key's Bad Love. He did the choreography for the chorus like how he had practiced.

"If you'd like to get to know me better please vote for me. I look forward to performing for everyone soon." he said before the robotic voice counted down the last ten seconds.

"I guess that's my cue to leave you all. May our journey on this show be a positive one. Goodbye!" he said as he waved to the camera.

The doors closed and Sangwon sighed in relief. He didn't know if the introduction he left was too forgettable compared to everyone else but was so glad it was over.

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