fuck off ⚕️

153 20 4

"Hey, hoseok," Yoongi said as he sat down beside the boy.

" Hey," hoseok replied as he placed his books on the table.

"I heard you spilled your guts to my brother." Turning to look at yoongi, hoseok caught him frozen in his position of placing his pen on the desk.

A smirk formed itself on hoseoks face as he watched the boy come back to his sense.

Turning toward his friend, yoongi cleared his throat.

"We met while I was heading to my next class after dropping off the midnight students at theirs, and we just started talking, and I might have said something about you yelling at the leader."

Taking a deep breath after the speed run through his confession, yoongi stared at hoseok, waiting for his response.

"Uhm wow okay" hoseok rubbed his hand on his pants before falling forward on his desk and laughing loudly.

Yoongi kept staring at the boy, who seemed slightly manic as he continued to laugh while students were piling into the classroom.

Some turned to look in their direction, confused or shocked at seeing the prefect doubling down and laughing.

"Okay, you can stop now," yoongi said as he nudged the boy.

" Stop it, hoseok!!" Yoongi pushed the boy until he stumbled to the point of falling off to the side.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry," hoseok cleared his throat and sat straight once again.

The teacher walked in, and the students started to quiet down. Once the teacher had his mic on and ready to go, everyone took out books to take notes.

"Mind if I ask a question?" Yoongi whispered after a while of going silent.

Hoseok leaned closer to the boy in response.

"Going to sound a bit weird," yoongi whispered, making hoseok look him straight in the eyes as a way to tell him to get to his point.

"Well, is your brother single?" Hosoek stared at the boy for a quick second before replying.


Yoongi lifted an eyebrow he thought his question was an answer as well.

" Oh, come on, just tell me,"

Hoseok rolled his eyes and nodded his head before turning his attention back to the front.


"Are you ready to go?" Yoongi asked as he put his books back into his bag.

"Yes," he replied in a dry tone.

Yoongi looked at the boy and saw a cold face he sighed, "Why don't you ask your father to replace you with someone else?"

Hoseok turned to the boy and spoke " its hard to trust others to keep their mouths shut, and if I did want to step down as prefect its jimin who is going to be pushed into the position"

" And that's not bad he knows, he is trustworthy," yoongi said, but hoseok only shook his head.

"I will never let him be near those animals,"

"I don't understand why you feel this way but I'm not going to push you to reveal so let's go," yoongi said holding his bag the boy got up from his seat and hoseok followed.


Hoseok sighed in annoyance as he heard girls squeak as he passed by. It was hard to get used to.

Yet yoongi bathed in the popularity that brought him by being a prefect.

He would wave at girls, making them louder.

Hoseok got more impatient when the boys joined in. He grabbed yoongi by the collar and dragged him out of Dawn Castle.

"Let go, you idiot!" Yoongi yelled, swatting hoseoks hand off of his collar.

"You don't like being admired, but mind you, I do, so let me live,"  he said while fixing his shirt.

"You keep wanting people to jump on you, I'm going to keep Jimin away from you, I'm not letting my brother date a playboy."

Yoongi turned to hoseok with a shocked face. " woah, you can't do that! "

Hoseok crossed his arms as they stopped in front of the gates. " Yes, I can, and I will."

"You-" yoongi started but stopped when he heard the gates open.

He sent a look towards hoseok, letting him know this conversation was not over, and walked away to his position.

"Good afternoon, yoongi," a girl said as she walked towards yoongi.

"Hey there Claudia, your eyes," yoongi remarked, pointing to his own eyes.

Claudia shut her eyes and opened them once more the vine red turned to a beautiful brown.

Sending a thumbs up towards the girl yoongi started walking beside her as they kept chatting.

Hoseok as always watched the boy walk away smiling.

Hoseok sighed keeping his anger at bay as he remembered he told jimin he would try his best to behave.

Passing a hand through his messy hair hoseok took a deep breath, turning his eyes towards the people coming out of the midnight castle he realized a few were sending him glares.

Hoseok rolled his eyes at the action "fucking pets" he mumbled to himself.

"Keep moving" he dismissively waved at them making them bare their fangs at him the boy was not having it.

Hoseok lifted his shirt showing them the dagger wrapped around his waist, the gold sheath shined in the evening light.

The vampires looked at hoseok and walked away much quicker.

Hoseok scoffed at the action pushing his shirt back down a bit aggressively.

"Could you try and not scare my fellow companions with your weapon"

Hoseok rolled his eyes turning to look at Jin, jimins words played in his mind.

" they should stop their petty behavior and I won't show them that their life could end in a second."

Jin smiled and approached hoseok who unconsciously took a step back.

Coming to a stop only inches away from hoseok Jin took the hem of hoseoks shirt and fixed it to lay properly.

Hoseok stood in shock not being able to comprehend what was happening Jin was just way too close.

Pulling away after a small tap on the now-hidden dagger Jin spoke.

" the same goes for you"

Without waiting for a response Jin walked away bumping his shoulder against hoseok.

When hoseok realized what just happened the boy turned toward Jin who was calmly walking away.

" oh! Fuck off!!"hoseok yelled as he took out his dagger and threw it in jins direction.

Yours To Take -2seokOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora