The book

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"When I first moved in, I walked past his apartment on the way to mine. He mail was piling up and I moved it to the side. I saw an envelope from a publishing company, Filton Books. I didn't think much of it until after you guys came to my apartment. I called Filton books and told them I was his manager. They sent me the whole manuscript. It only took a couple paragraphs to know Alison wouldn't be happy. Maybe he wanted to make sure she wouldn't get a chance to read it."

Tanner paused the tv and pushed back her chair, standing up. "We requested a manuscript from Filton Books. Sit tight." Tanner walked out of the room. Ezra watched her leave frightened. Of course he considered the fact that Alison might not have approved of the book, but he wouldn't kill her to keeper from reading it. The question is, what would get him first, Alison's murder or their inappropriate relationship that would be revealed when the cops received the manuscript and put two and two together that it was written about him and Alison.

One thing that he couldn't wrap his head around is how Spencer could be in seemingly two places at once. How could she be at the apartment when he was arrested and get released and walk past him out of the station only minutes later? The door opened and a small figure snuck into the room. They sat down and put their hands together, leaning over the table. "You need to tell me what is in this book and how you know Alison Dilaurentis, now." "Mona-" "If Aria gets dragged into this because you decided to play detective and play Spencer's game, I will do everything in my power to make sure you stay in jail. Whether you killed Alison or not, you're guilty of something, and Aria will not be an accomplice." Ezra sighed, then told her everything.

Spencer stood on the sidewalk and waited for Alex to pick her up. She didn't know what her sister did, but it got her off, and she knew she'd have to pay Alex back a fuck ton. A car pulled up and rolled down the window. "Mom, where's Alex?" Spencer asked. Mary looked at her daughter in the same blank expression. "Get in the car, Spencer."

When they arrived to Mary's apartment, Spencer walked into the kitchen to make a coffee like normal. She opened the cabinet, but it was slammed closed, making her jump. "Sit down." Mary scolded, motioning to the kitchen table. Spencer sat, then Mary sat across from her. "What in the world were you thinking?" Mary asked. "I know I should've been careful. I wasn't anticipating an English teacher following me." "This isn't just about you being careful... Alison... how could you do that to your cousin?" "I didn't kill Alison. I helped someone dispose of the body but I didn't know it would be Alison, I couldn't back out of it then." "Who? Who would do something like this to Alison? And since when did you become a disposal service, I thought this was just about Veronica?"

Spencer looked away from her mother, thinking about whether she should give up the killer's name. What were the chances of Mary going after Alison's murderer and strangling them with her bare hands. Or worse, going to the cops. But, if Mary trusted the cops as much as Spencer did, then that wasn't likely. "Noel Kahn." She finally said. Mary sighed and closed her eyes, leaning her head on her hands that were pressed together. "Alison had a lot of enemies Mom, I'm not surprised." Mary opened her eyes and stared at Spencer. "How can you say that? What petty high school drama was worth killing a young woman?" Spencer had no answer. Mary stood up and walked out the kitchen to her room. She sat on the bed and took heavy breaths having learned such devastating information. She heard the front door close and shook her head.

A blonde walked into the Brew, her first stop before visiting an old friend. She ordered a coffee then stepped away from the counter. Her eyes landed on a brunette from her past. She hesitated going over to greet her as she didn't know whether she was seeing a member from their old friend group or the girls twin sister, who she knows was recently released from Radley sanitarium. The brunette felt someone looking at her and raised her head from her book. She smiled at the blonde. "Hanna?" She said as she stood. Hanna smiled and approached her. "Alex!" She engulfed the girl in a hug. "How are you? I thought you were still in London?" She asked. "I'm here for Spencer. Our mother is temporarily unaccounted for so I had to be here for her release." "Wow. How long has she been out?" Hanna asked. "A few weeks. Yeah, we moved her into an apartment recently. She's been doing wax figures as a hobby until I can find her a job."

"That's good. I'm happy for her." Hanna said truthfully. "I'm back for Emily." She added. "I heard. That's so awful." Alex responded. Hanna shook her head. "It's just... when Alison came back after we thought she was dead for two years... it was a huge adjustment, for all of us. We all went our separate ways for college, hoping to leave this town behind... and here goes Alison bringing us back, like she always does." The two stood silent for a moment before the barista called Hanna's name. She picked up her coffee and addressed Alex again. "Have you spoken to Emily?" "No. We didn't stay close after high school and I figured our first reunion would be kind of awkward, especially since Spencer was their number one suspect." Hanna furrowed her brows. "Why would Spencer be a suspect let alone the number one suspect?" "Well, you know, convenient timing. Spencer gets released from Radley, Alison gets kidnapped. But she was no where near our old house, I promise. I would never let her go back there, especially after everything our parents did to us." Hanna looked at Alex questioningly, then stepped closer. "What did they do to you?" She whispered. Alex looked around, realizing they were still in the Brew.

"I can't talk about it right now. You should get to Emily." "... Come with me. I'm sure she'd be happy to see you again." Alex hesitated, but agreed, walking out of the Brew with Hanna.

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