"Come inside, now."

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Wren sat in his car watching the doors of the courthouse. He didn't know where else he would find who he was looking for, but he knew at least one member of the Kahn family would be here, and he'd go from there. Lucky for Wren, another member of the Kahn clan pulled up in a black car; and it was just who he was looking for. Noel Kahn stepped out of his car and strolled up to the courthouse doors. Wren jumped out of his car and rushed towards the other man. Noel looked over and flashed a smile. "Hey," he said nonchalantly. "You visit that friend?" Wren questioned. "What?" Noel furrowed his brows. The British man stepped closer. "You leave Alex alone, and Spencer. Whatever you've got going on with them, it stops now." He said angrily.

     Noel leaned in and lowered his voice. "You may think you know what happened, but you don't know shit. The quicker I finish this, the quicker I never have to see those bitches again." Silence fell between them as the two men stared angrily at each other. "You hurt Alex, and you will regret it... you hear me?" Wren threatened. Noel backed away, and started chuckling. "Fine. She didn't have what I needed anyway. Is Spencer still fair game? You know where she lives  right?" Noel flashed a sick smile as he spoke. Wren stared angrily before throwing a fist to the other man's nose. Noel's head flew back. He reached up to touch the blood slowly cascading from his nostril. Wren's face showed regret but he held his ground, prepared to face the repercussions.

     Noel shoved him hard, making him stumble back before throwing his own fist to Wren's mouth. Wren held his mouth and stared into Noel's angered blue eyes. "Noel!" The two looked to the courthouse doors where Steven Kahn stood with an officer. "Come inside, now." Noel's father said sternly. Noel took a last glance at Wren before walking past his father in the courthouse. "I suggest you get going before I change my mind about having you arrested." The judge threatened. Wren turned on his heels and walked back to his car. He got inside and grabbed his phone from the center console. His Notification Center was filled with texts from Alex.

     "Where the fuck did you go???" "Wren please call me" "Did Spencer say something to you before you gave me the phone?" "Dude what the fuck are you mad at me" "Wren please I'm scared" "I'm Ubering to Spencer's" "I really don't care if you're pissed, I just wanna know you're okay." Wren put the phone back in the center console and started driving to Spencer's apartment complex.

Emily held the ziploc bag, looking intensely at the rubber glove inside. She practically tuned everyone out thinking about how this piece of evidence had her girlfriend's DNA. "I don't like the idea of you getting away with your part in this." Hanna said, arms crossed. She refused to sit on the brunette's couch and listen to whatever "plan" Spencer had come up with; she wasn't even sure if she could trust Aria at that moment. "Hanna, they were manipulated into helping Noel-" "No Aria, you're being manipulated. I wouldn't be surprised if you turned in that glove and it had your DNA on it too; you'll be joining Ezra in a jail cell." "They'd be in separate prisons; they don't keep men and women together." Spencer replied.

     Hanna threw her hands up. "See!" She shouted. Then Emily spoke. "When -A..." She caught herself, glancing at Mona. "When we had to lie to our parents, our partners, each other... we couldn't just say no; there was too much at stake. I'm choosing to believe that's what happened." Hanna faced the accused brunette. "Is it true? You really couldn't say no?" Spencer didn't respond. "It's Noel Kahn; I think we know the answer to that." Aria chimed in. A knock brought everyone's attention towards the door. Spencer moved to open the door. "Wren?" The British man stepped into the apartment and looked at the group. The girls stared back in confusion. "Where's Alex?" He asked, visibly upset.

     "I don't know I thought she was with you-" "What's going on here? What's going on with Noel?" "You're asking a lot of questions-" "Well I'm not getting a lot of fucking answers!" Wren shouted, making the girls jump. "Wren!" Alex appeared, stepping into the apartment and shutting the door. She looked him over; she had never seen him so angry. "What happened to your lip?" She grabbed his chin and examined his bloody lip. "I had a run-in with Noel at the courthouse. He's lucky his father was there or I would have-" "He did this to you?!" Alex exclaimed. Then Spencer spoke. "That is more of a reason why we all need to be on the same page and put Noel behind bars as fast as possible."

     "Wait, stop!" Wren interjected. "I told Noel to leave you alone; I want you to do the same. Whatever he's done, the cops will figure it out." "No, not without evidence... and we have it." Spencer said, gesturing to the bag in Emily's hands. Wren stared at the bag, then looked to his girlfriend. "Alex," he said in a low voice. "What is going on?...and please don't lie to me." Alex looked away from his gaze. She sighed. "I can't do this right now. Please can you just wait for me in the car?" Wren looked at each of the girls; he really didn't want to cause a scene. He quietly moved past Alex and opened the door, looking at no one before leaving. Spencer rejoined the others in the living area while Alex hung back at the door, turning away from the others.

     "So," Spencer started. "Aria's going to hand over this glove that has Noel and Ali's DNA to the cops and tell them that Noel manipulated us into helping him with her body... because that's what happened." Spencer looked at the girls cautiously as she finished her sentence. She looked to her sister. "Alex." "I heard you." She said, still facing away from them. Mona chimed in. "The police are probably going to do another round of questioning... that includes interviewing Mary again, and the two of you." "Looks like I'll have to introduce you to Lieutenant Tanner." Spencer said to Alex; the other woman didn't respond.

     "Then that's it. Turn Noel into the cops and our lives go back to normal." Hanna said. "Not everyone's." Emily stated. Hanna looked at her friend sympathetically and put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry Em; I didn't mean it like that." Spencer walked over to her sister, hesitantly touching Alex's shoulder. "Hey, you okay-" "I should probably go; I don't need to give Wren anymore reasons to be pissed at me. Hopefully he didn't drive off again and I have a ride home." "Sure, just call me tomorrow, early. We have to make sure our story is straight-" "I got it!" Alex scolded, grabbing the door handle. "Goodnight." She said, leaving the apartment.

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