Untitled: Part 9

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Friends are like stars in the night sky,

Guiding us through life as we go by.

Their laughter and smiles light up our way,

And their support gives us strength each day.

A friend is a hand to hold when we're down,

A shoulder to lean on when we need to drown.

They listen with care and speak with truth,

Offering comfort and love that soothes.

In times of trouble, friends are our rock,

Helping us weather the storms and shock.

They lift us up and never let us fall,

Standing by us through it all.

Friends are the sun on a cloudy day,

Brightening our lives in every way.

With them, we can conquer any strife,

And enjoy the journey of life.

Friends are gifts from above,

They are Angels sent from heaven.

To feel our emotions and connect with us spiritually,

Real friends never turn their backs when we're in danger.

They gives us the best advices when we're in need,

They are like our therapist, with whom we share everything.

They are our open diaries whom we write everything on,

They are our saviour and our guiding light.

Never take your friends for granted,

Always listen to their every word patiently.

Stand by them in their hard times,

Just like they did in your hard times.

Never push them in the face of danger,

Always lift them up and be their rock.

Don't hurt them and don't play with their emotions,

 Don't be two faced and stab them in the heart.

It's so hard to find real friends in this world,

We should be grateful and appreciate them.

We should make them feel loved and wanted,

They are like our family who's always there during ups and downs.

They are like a flower, so never tear them down,

Stand up for them if anyone goes against them.

They are friends for a lifetime,

And to be never forgotten about.

So, cherish your friends, both old and new,

For they will always be there for you.

Through the dark and the light, they'll be your guide,

And walk with you side by side.

Anthology Of Love(Poetry Collection)Where stories live. Discover now