Untitled: Part 16

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The love we once had, is now gone forever, it can't be returned,

I wonder if you still think about me and cherish our moments,

Gladly I used to think of you but now I don't, because I know there's no use,

Indeed, you gave me the best memories, but the goodbye could have been better.

The hardest thing was not talking to someone, who you used to talk with every day,

And one day, your name didn't make me cry anymore,

No more tears because I didn't lose you, you lost me,

We started with a simple hello but ended with a complicated goodbye.

It was hard at first losing someone who meant everything to me,

But life moves on, so I did move on and found someone who means the world to me,

I used to get hurt and get flashbacks of our good moments,

But now I am a completely new version of myself, a stronger version.

The worst part was you leaving without saying anything,

It was like a storm coming with silence,

At least you could have explained to me why you're leaving,

I guess you were too afraid that your sister would find out.

We were fine and everything was perfect, until your sister decided to cast a spell,

Isn't it hard for anyone? to forget someone who you've been with over a year,

But I truly healed myself from the scars and opened a new chapter in life,

I am glad I moved on instead of being stuck in a chapter which needed to be closed.

I hope you're happy and doing better in life, I'll be honest I have no bad blood against you,

I know you didn't mean to hurt me intentionally, what happened is in the past now,

We're not friends or enemies but strangers with memories which became just a memory.

Oh, how you used to call me "Rainberry" and "Sunflower,"

That it melted my heart every time you called me those,

I used to call you "Sunshine" that you loved  hearing so much,

Trust me whatever happens, happens for a reason.

If we ever meet each other someday, I'll just tell you one thing,

Thank you for leaving in silence instead of breaking my heart,

The breakup inspired me to write many songs and poems,

Which I wrote and wrote till there was no more pages left.

This chapter of us is over, I moved on in a smooth way,

I hope you've too if you still haven't done, please because, I have left the past for good.

You can't get me back even if you try the hardest with all your might,

There's no way of turning back and hoping for the time to rewind.

I love the way we bonded always,

You said you were so lucky I listened,

But now you too just became my past,

You used to tell me, "We are who we are when we're alone."

The reality about breakups is the pain but it shapes you into a new person,

I want to thank you for all those times you stood by me, I really appreciate that,

There's a lyric from my favorite song which goes through my head,

Which is "we had some good times didn't we?" I know we had some good times.

But I let it all go and the chapter is closed forever, not to be opened ever again,

As I wrote this poem, based on my feelings what I felt when we broke up,

No, I don't hate you instead I am thankful for this chapter because,

I found something which I never looked upon and that person is me.

I wish you all the best and hope you find your other half,

I am in a better place in life now, happier than ever,

I love my life the way it is, and I won't change a bit of it,

Goodbye, thank you for all the memories and inspiring me to do better.

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