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loïse madden 

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I'm so nervous I could starts throwing up at this exact moment, in this exact place. 

Today is Tuesday. The day of the big physics test. Miss Greenwood had finally agreed to let us retake it. 

I decided to forgive Sebastian for having had sex with Janette. I know it's kind of my own fault. I should know that boys like him are horny 24/7. It would have happened sometime  that when I didn't give him sex, he would get it at someone else. 

I know I sound ridiculous. It's the stress. 

However, Sebastian and I agreed to a few more 'appointments' when he could help me with physics before today would be there. 

And here I am now: my palms are sweaty, I'm nauseus and wishing I was watching Grey's Anatomy at home. I'd rather be defeated in skills lab by Cameron James than actually be here. 

Miss Greenwood starts handing out the tests. It's a test of 5 recto-verso pages, which is a normal amount. I take a first look at the questions, they all seem hard as heck. Even harder than the original questions on the first test. She probably wants us to fail this one, too. 

I try to answer the questions one by one, using the methods Sebastian teached me. I try to think of everything he said during our revisions. I hear some noises behind me. I start feeling dizzier. My leg starts bouncing. 

I imagine Sebastian laying his large hand on it to soothe me from stressing out, because that's what he usually did when this happened whenever I'd make fake tests during his 'classes'. 

It kinda helps and I get back to filling in the questions. 

After the hour we got to fill in the test has flown by, miss Greenwood walks around to take our tests back. She asks us to stay seated for another 30 minutes, while she quickly corrects and grades them. 

Those 30 minutes are the worst of my life. Perhaps, not my life, but they're getting pretty close. 

I grab my phone to scroll down on social media to take my attention away from the test and see that I received a message from Sebastian:

hey princess, how'd the test go ??? i'm sure you rocked it

I smile and type back: 

don't know yet. greenwood's correcting them now, i'll text u in half an hour

Then, I receive a few thumbs up-emoji's. It's a typical dad emoji to use, but I have to admit Sebastian does text like a 40-year old father. 

"Poppy Adams?", Miss Greenwood suddenly says. Poppy's head shoots up. "Can you come and get your test, please? If I call your name, come here, take your test and then leave."

Poppy gets up, proceeds to run to the desk of the elder woman and gets handed the paper. Her face falls. She doesn't look back as she runs back out of the classroom. 

Well, that must not have been a good test. 

"Michael Brown?" His happy expression falls, too. 

Everyone walks down with a smile on their face, destined to get the best grade ever. But everyone also gets disappointed and walks away with a sad facial expression. One girl even starts bawling her eyes out before she's actually left the class. 

"Loïse Madden?" 

Frick, my name. I've never been so nervous to hear my name. I slowly get up, walk down the stairs and almost trip over my own feet. I'm so stressed that my vision starts to get blurry. 

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