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I woke up the next morning temporarily forgetting what happened the previous evening, and confused on why we were on the couch and not in bed.

And I was even more confused by the feeling of waking up with Sam still with me, since she'd almost always get up much earlier. She was snuggled up in my arms, which were wrapped around her waist.

I admired her beauty as the image of her crying on my shoulder came back to my mind, fully making me remember the reason behind us having slept there.

What happened all caught me off guard, even if I'd been suspecting Sam hadn't been telling me something because of how strange she'd been acting. I just couldn't have imagined that that was what she was hiding.

I wasn't upset about her and Maya having seen each other because judging by their reactions after seeing each other that one time at the shop, they probably still strongly hated each other.

And if talking made the both of them feel better, and meant that Sam wouldn't go through a crisis each time she was confronted with her past, while Maya would stop annoying me all the time, then I was glad they sorted their stuff out.

I just wished Sam told me when it all happened. It wasn't too crazy to think I had the right to know if my girlfriend was going to meet her ex to talk about their relationship. And I also just knew that keeping secrets never leads to good things.

We'd agreed on communication being important for us to work in the first place, and lying was like the opposite of that.

Seeing Sam so sad broke my heart, I couldn't stand her being so hurt by no one other than herself. I didn't think she was keeping all of that inside of her, and I honestly suspected she didn't either until it came out.

Hopefully, what I told her was enough to convince her that there was nothing to feel so guilty about.

I cautiously grabbed my phone, which was still in my back pocket from the day before, and saw that it was half past seven. Sam would usually be up and ready to go out at that time.

As much as I didn't want to interrupt her peaceful sleep, and wished we could just stay cuddled up there all day, I moved her hair from her face in an attempt to wake her up. Her makeup was all smudged around her eyes, and mine was probably too.

"Sam..." I softly said, gently shaking her shoulder. A confused mumble came out of her mouth. "Good morning" I whispered, as I placed a kiss on the top of her head.

"What time is it?" she muttered.

"Seven thirty" I replied. "Thought I should wake you up"

"Why are we here- Oh " she opened her eyes, probably remembering the same thing I did as I woke up. "Good morning baby" she looked up.

"Sorry for waking you up, I know you have to go to work" I said, cupping her cheek.

"You did the right thing" she pecked my lips. "I'm surprised at myself for sleeping so much"

"Well, you must have been tired know" I tried to find the nicest way to say 'all of that crying'.

"Yeah" she just agreed, rubbing her eyes and rolling on her other side to face me. "You wanna stay here another bit or are you getting up too?"

"I'll get up too, I'll end up sleeping for way too long if I don't" I giggled, smiling at her face being so close to mine. "Your eyes look really pretty"

"Yours too" she also smiled, kissing me on the cheek. "I don't often feel like I don't wanna go to work, but I'd really rather stay here at the moment"

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