one last author's note :')

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Hi everyone :) 

I can't believe this story is over, I'm feeling quite emotional right now, lmao. I began writing this when I'd just finished high-school, in summer last year, and now I'm halfway through my second year of university, which really hints at how long this story has been part of my life. 

I started writing it simply because I was bored and wanted to put a silly little story I had in my head into words, and I thought who knows, maybe someone will actually like it. But I never ever thought so many people would appreciate my writing and get so invested in the plot. When I started seeing that people would actually be eager to read new chapters as soon as I posted them, I could barely believe it, to be honest. Nothing had ever given me so much comfort and satisfaction, and I guess writing this kinda improved my self-esteem too. 

Writing new chapters to this book has been part of my daily routine for the past year and a half, so not having Ellie and Sam's company anymore feels strange now, but hopefully I gave them the ending they deserved :') 

When I started, I only had the first few chapters in mind and couldn't imagine I'd get to ninety (650 pages wtf!!), but I'm really glad I did. My starting point was just a character who I very much related to (me and ellie have a lot of common traits hehe) thanks to who I could escape reality and live a life and love story I dreamed of. Unfortunately I'm still not living in New York ( I actually live in Italy lol ), and no hot college professor has fell in love with me (the opposite has happened, sadly). But you know, you really never know what's gonna happen, I guess. 

Reaching so many people through this story has been incredibly fun and I would do it all again if I could choose to. So I really really reaaally want to thank every single person who got to here and read all of this story, who voted for the chapters, everyone who left comments (I've read every single one of them), and especially everyone who's been reading this as I updated it and waited for new chapters every week. I love and appreciate every single one of you a lot <33

I already posted on my board about this, but I decided that a short spinoff-like story about Vic and Mei is sounding veery tempting to me now. I won't be able to start writing it for another month or so, but I think I probably eventually will do it :)) Make sure to follow me to get updates about it, I'll definitely keep you all posted!

I'll never be able to thank you all enough, but here's me doing it one last time. Thank you!!!!

Lots and lots of love,
- Cate <3 

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