chapter 14

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I just arrived at the airport a day later as planned. Its Monday today which probably means that the drivers start leaving for Australia too. They advise the drivers too leave on time since its a really long flight that causes jetlags. I left early for myself I guess. I just thought it would be fun to explore Australia a bit before I have to get back to work. I ofcourse have a couple of meetings but my actual work schedule goes in as soon as Lando and Daniel arrive in Australia.

After a 18 hour flight I finally arrive. The first thing they told me before I started travelling a lot for F1 was that I should never go back to bed as soon as I arrive at my hotel. They told me to stay awake until it was bedtime in the country where I travelled to. If I didn't it was going to mess up my sleep schedule and that's the last thing I want when I have a busy workweek that starts at 7AM and ends at 9PM.

Well I guess shit happens... I started unpacking and needed a little break, just a little one... It's 7PM so I know that I won't be able to fall asleep tonight. I quickly changed in a more comfortable outfit and call a restaurant where i can quickly pick up a meal.

While waiting for the waitress to bring me my dinner I get a text from Max F.

Okay so they arrive at 6 in the morning

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Okay so they arrive at 6 in the morning. I ate my dinner while watching a movie. It was around 10.30 when the movie ended so I decided to read my book till I was tired. I finished it, I think that says enough. Around 2AM I decided to try and get some sleep. I didn't work out so i texted Max asking if I should pick him and Lando up from the airport. He answered an hour later telling me that they landed safely and it would be great if I wanted to pick them up. So I did. I quickly changed in some joggers and a hoodie and left the hotel. I played some music, pretty loud because it was 5.30AM and the streets were awfully quiet. It was exactly 6AM when I arrived and when I saw Lando stand there in his grey sweatpants with a white hoodie on top, I felt something in my stomach. I hate to admit it but I think it were butterflies, if i had to call it the way everyone else called it. Stupid I know. I drove up to where he stood but he didnt see me because he was busy texting someone on his phone. Probably Max F because he wasn't here yet. The soft wind blows through his light brown curls. I flashed my lights at him so he would notice I was here. His green eyes look up at me and his face turns into a confused mess. Did Max tell him I was coming? I don't think he did. Omg this is going to be so awkward. I wave my hand at him to tell him he can come over. Thank god he did. I get out of my car and open up the trunk so he can put his suitcase in the back. ''hey'' I say but I only get a soft fake smile. Is he seriously gonna act like this? Sure. I can play this game. When we walk back to the front of the car he reaches for the doorhandle of the passenger seat. ''O Max was actually gonna sit in the front.'' I say before opening my door and sitting down behind the steering wheel. I looked through my mirror to see his face and when I see how flabbergasted he is I laugh silently. While we wait for Max to come back from whatever he was doing we dont say a word to each other. After 30 minutes Max finally sits down next to me.
''Where have you been?'' I ask ''These were the most awkward 45 minutes of my life.'' I whisper. Max laughs. ''Sorry, my suitcase took forever to arrive. I told Lando to wait outside.'' He says.
''O okay.'' I say and turn up the volume of my music before starting my car. ''We're gonna get some coffee.'' I say and drive to a little coffee drive through. We order some coffee and drive back to the hotel.
''So when are you going on this date with Pierre?'' Max asks me.
''Tonight. At least that's the plan.'' I say followed by a soft sigh.
''What do you mean?'' Max asks and I feel Lando's angry eyes burning through my skin.
''I haven't heard from him since the first date.'' I say.
''Typical.'' I hear Lando say to himself with an annoyed tone.
''Sorry?'' I say looking at him through the mirror.
''Nothing.'' He says before putting on his headphone.
I shake my head in disbelief and decide to just leave the conversation like this.

When we arrive at the hotel Lando grabs his suitcase and goes inside without saying anything. Max thanks me and goes inside to check in. I lock the car and quickly run upstairs to Lando. I am so sick of his behaviour. I saw him opening his door and walk in but right before he closes the door I yell, ''You are such a baby Lando!'' and I am shocked by what I just said. I see his door open and I feel my heart stop. He looks angry. He walks up to me. We are standing nose to nose. I wish it was so he could kiss me but sadly it was to make me feel intimidated. His plan works.
''I am a baby?'' He asks looking me right in the eyes.
''Yes you are.'' I say and I know he hears the small fear in my voice. I see the look in his eyes change. He knows that what he is about to do is wrong. He takes a step back and gives me space to finally take a breath.
''No I think you are y/n. You are so fk pathetic.'' He says and I feel my heart sink.
''Excuse me?! I am pathetic? You cry yourself to sleep every night because you're weak and you can't handle pressure!'' I say and the minute I realise what I just said I hate myself. I see his eyes widen and I feel my heart sink even more.
''Fuck you.'' He says and he turns his back to me.
''Lan I'm sorry I didn't mean what I said.'' I say and he turns around again.
''No honestly y/n it's okay. You were honest, that's all I need to know. Just know that you're gonna get stood up tonight.'' He says and than walks away for real.
What the hell just happend? I just had a fight with Lando. and why would he say that i'm gonna get stood up tonight?

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