chapter 18

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Your pov:
I scanned my badge and walked through the gates into the filled paddock. I walk into my office and greet Thomas who was already seated behind our desk.
"Did you look at the program for today?" He asks me.
"No not yet. I'll grab a coffee and do it right away." I answer while unpacking my bag.
"You're with Lando today." Thomas says and my eyes lock with his. "It's gonna be a heavy day."
"What? Why?" I ask confused and frustrated that of course today I have to guide Lando through the interviews.
"Haven't you read the article? I sent it to you last night."
"I haven't been on my phone, sorry." I answer.
"Y/n this is important. This is all work related. You have to be updated about everything." He says.
"I know I know. I just have a lot on my mind right now. I'll read it right now." I say and immediately take a seat and unlock my laptop. 

"Lando Norris hits girl while clubbing."
Is at the top of the article. My heart drops to my stomach and my breathing stops while I look at Thomas.
"What the fuck is this?" I ask him with almost visible flames in my eyes.
"Read. It gets worse." And I see his expression change. "There's a photo at the bottom." Thomas says and I feel my face turn pale. I immediately put my hands in my hair.
"Before I continue reading. Do you think it's true?" I ask him.
"Nobody has spoken to him and I don't know him that well to be honest." He answers and I immediately stand up straight.
"What do you mean 'you don't know him that well'?! I have to go." I walk out of my office and call Max.
"Hey. You arrived safely?" He asks me.
"Let me in Lando's trailer. I'm already here." I say.
"Okay.. what's going on?" He says, but I hang up the phone and wait for him to open the door. When he opens the door I show him the article.
"So this is why he was crying last night?" I ask him.
"Yes. Calm down y/n and come in please. We're figuring this out okay?" He says and I pass him and furiously walk over to Lando.
"You didn't think you should talk to me about this?!" I ask Lando. He shoots up out of his chair.
"I didn't know what to do. Besides you're the one that didn't want to talk or am I wrong about that?" He answers. I scoff and walk away from him. I sit down in a separated little room and read the rest of the article. I take a deep breath before taking a look at the picture of the incident. You can clearly see it's Lando in the picture. His arm is halfway in the air, indeed reaching out to the women but I wouldn't immediately say it's because he's going to hit her. It could also be for a friendly pat on the shoulder if you ask me. I can't really tell who the women is but I know her from something that's for sure.
"It's Aaliyah." I hear Max say behind me. "He's on the phone about it right now. He told me he will tell you everything after all the interviews that are starting in 30 minutes." He says.
"I'm joining him today." I respond to Max.
"Ah Thomas took the easy way out." We laugh at his comment. "What a coward." Max says making me laugh even harder.
"I'm grabbing a coffee. Tell him I'll meet him back here in 10 minutes." I say.
"Will do. Good luck and text me to keep me posted." He says showing he's worried about his best friend.
"Will do." I answer before giving him a smile and hugging him before leaving Lando's trailer.
I walk over to the coffee stand but I wish I wasn't in the paddock at all at this moment. I never knew wearing a McLaren shirt would make me feel this uncomfortable. Everyone that passes me looks at me. Not just looking but judging really. I hate it. They don't even know what's going on. If even Lando doesn't know what's going on how could they? They definitely don't have the right to judge. I arrive at the coffee stand with my head full of thoughts and order a large caramel latte macchiato.
"Not switching teams?" I hear behind me and omg I was ready to end up in Lando's article too.
"Lando Norris's coworker hits Pierre Gasly in the face while ordering a coffee."
I wasn't gonna do that of course but if we were alone right now I would be screaming at him. He blows me off on our date and doesn't dare to text to explain but he does have the balls to say this to me?!
"I would take that back if I were you." I say before turning around.
"Sorry it was just a joke." He says grinning.
"Go suck yourself, Gasly." I say before walking away.
"Y/n wait! I'm sorry." He says running after me. He grabs my arm and turns me around.
"I'm sorry about our date. And I'm sorry for not explaining why I didn't make it." He says.
"I really don't want to hear it, Pierre. I've got a lot on my mind right now." I answer.
"Lando? This is all on him, you don't need to help him you know. That is not your job." He says making me scoff.
"You clearly don't understand what is going on and that is okay honestly, but please don't speak about things you don't understand. It's annoying." I say.
"I don't think you understand what is going on." Pierre laughs.
"Explain. If you dare of course, because you apparently didn't have the balls the last time you needed to." I smile in quite a bitchy way. It took him a second to respond, but as soon as he wanted to speak up we got interrupted.
"Sorry to bother, but we have to go." Max says grabbing my shoulders and taking me away from the conversation.
"Thank you." I say to him.
"Relax. He's gone." He says laughing while grabbing my hands that I turned into fists out of anger.
"Lando did not hit Aaliyah. I know for sure. I've been by his side since we were kids and he has never touched anyone with the wrong intentions." He says making my heart warm. I don't know how to respond to it tho.
"I know he acted disgusting the other night, but I promise y/n. He is not violent. He's a good guy that is just having a hard time right now." He says.
"I'm not saying he's violent or that he hit her because I know for 99% sure that he didn't." I say while we arrive at Lando's trailer. We finish our conversation outside.
"How? Do you know more about this?" He asks.
"We were at the party too, remember?" I say.
"Of course I do, but how do you know he didn't hit her? Were you with him while it happened? Do you have proof? Omg that would be amazing, this is fixed in a second if you do." He says speaking fast.
"Wow slow down. No I do not have proof. I uhm." I laugh.
"You what? Tell me."
"I uhm I've watched him. It must have happened shortly before I left. He followed me outside because he was supposed to take me home."
"Wow you really are obsessed if you watched him the whole night." He says making me roll my eyes.
"If you ask me, he pushed her away because she wouldn't let him go. It looked like he was not having a good time with her to me." I say looking up at Max.
"He wasn't. He was mad and spent the night with her to make someone else jealous." He laughs.
What? Who? He acted weird that night but I couldn't have been about me right? I get taken out of my thoughts when I see the door of Lando's trailer open.
"I'm ready." He says not looking at me and walking away, not even waiting for me.
"So am I. Thanks for asking." I say walking behind him. I turn around to see Max enter Lando's trailer. After a short walk we arrive and the interviews start.

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