viii. new spring

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Days passed as Seti counted the cycles of the moon. Neferneferure, even if not fully, had come to accept her body to an extent. Seti's delicate touches and feathery kisses made her feel more loved. The healers, Istustaya and Papaya, had them married in the style of the Hittites. They were now a couple not just in hearts– they were bound by the divine chants and the blessings of Amun.

The valley was now filled with more flowers. Birds chirped all around, pecking the windows of the cottage for food and perching on Neferneferure's shoulders. Even the birds found her exotic and different, and through the eyes of all the other creatures, Neferneferure learnt the art of self-love. Seti helped her in the way to healing. Neferneferure taught him the skills of unraveling deceit and made him stronger to face the betrayal of blood.

"I feel bad for brother. Maybe he understands now, like I do, how we fought for no reason. How we never listened to the queen. She had always been right– we were blinded by our own vices and limitations."

"King Ausar had praised you greatly as a warrior and as a lover of the birthland. Maybe he is not all sour about you!"

Seti chuckled. "Neither am I. But men can be fools."

Istustaya and Papaya had readied two horses for them. Seti mounted on one horse and Neferneferure on another.

"Do remember us, prince and princess," Istustaya said.

"We will really miss you," Papaya said with a pout.

Seti and Neferneferure bid them goodbye and journeyed forward.

"Spring signifies new beginnings," Seti said. "And this step is a new season in our lives."

Neferneferure had been humming the same song that she had sung to Seti. "We will overcome all obstacles for sure."

And with the dawn of a new spring, the lovers promised to never be apart again.


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