Chapter 4~A Mysterious Land

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Boom! Boom! Boom!
"Phew that was a rough landing!" Says Amber.
"Yeah! The portal could have been a little nicer." Says Izzy.
"Well, who cares. We are out, let's explore!" Says Sierra
"That's a good idea!!!" Everyone says together.
They start walking towards this "rainbow like" waterfall.
"I've never seen anything like this before!" Says Autumn.
"Yeah it looks..." Amber starts.
"Strange." Paige finishes.
"Almost like a..." Starts Izzy.
"Creature lives here." Finishes Grace.
"Yeah... I wonder what is behind that waterfall." Amber says.
"Let's find out!" Says Izzy.
They walk towards the waterall. They see stepping stones that leads to the back of the waterfall. Then they step across them, to see what is behind this waterfall of colors.
"Woah!!!!" says Izzy and Amber together.
"Where do you think it leads?" Asks Grace.
"Only one way to find out!" Says Izzy, "Let's follow that tunnel!"
The girls start walking into the tunnel, and when they come out, they are in an amazing land!!!!!!!
"Wow! This is so amazing!!" Everyone says together.
"What's that figure over there??" Amber asks.
"It sort of looks like a castle!!" Says Izzy.
"Yeah... an ice castle," Autumn adds on.
"Let's go see who lives there!!" Says Izzy.
The girls start walking towards the ice castle, but aren't exactly inside the castle yet;they spot a snowman.
"Hi! I'm olaf and I like warm hugs!" Says the snowman.
"Olaf!!!" Screams everyone.
"Is this where Elsa lives??" I ask.
"Yeah! Why?" Says Olaf.
"We just got here and we're exploring. Can you take us to her?"
"Yeah! Why?"
"So we can meet her for reals!!"
"Ok. Why?"
"Stop doing that Olaf." interrupts Sierra.
"Quiet, I'm concentrating! Ok, why??" Says Olaf
"Let's just go Olaf, we can talk on the way." Amber says.
"Ok. I never got to know your names by the way..."
"Oh, well I'm Amber. That's Izzy.(it's her birthday)"
"Really happy birthday!!!"
"Why thank you!!" Says Izzy.
"You're welcome. You're all my new best friends!!"
"Ahh so sweet, I'm Paige."
"Hi!! Nice to meet you."
"I'm Autumn, and that's Sierra." Says Autumn.
"And I'm Grace. I may be last but I'm not the least"
"Yeah I know! Well... we're here." :)
They have finally arrived in the ice castle!!!!! That was quite a long talk... I mean walk.
"Wow!!!! This is such an awesome birthday!" Izzy says.
"We all love you!" Says Elsa mysteriously walking up to Izzy!!

Hey guys!! Do you guys like my book so far?? I'm sorry it doesn't update regularly and might sound boring. I had this vision in my head the other day of a good thing to put in it but I lost it. This book is basically off the top of my head. Please comment if you like it or dislike it. Also tell me why so I can improve and make it better. If you want to read a book that is not off the top of my head, but on paper first, then read my other book "The Adventures Of Ms. Amethyst The Superhero" That one takes longer to update but my friends think it's great. Make sure to comment!! Plz!!! So this book can go on!!! Amber signing off now.

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