Chapter 6~ The friendship necklaces powers♡

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"Guys!! We have got to get somewhere safer!!" Says Izzy.
"I know! Paige and I can turn into cats maybe we can climb up that tree." Says Grace.
"Ok let's go!!"
They climb up the tree, pulling everyone to the top, leaving the monster at the bottom... until the monster snaps and is at the top of the tree!?!? What???
"Guys! That monster just followed us!!" Says Paige.
"Uh oh!! He is going to follow us everywhere we go, with just a snap of his fingers, if we dont do something!! Someone help us!! Help me." Shouts Izzy.
Belive in all you can see, a miracle starts whenever you dream!! Believe and sing from your heart you'll see, the song will hold the key!!
Right then and there, music⇑ starts playing/singing in the background!!
"Where's that coming from?" Asks Sierra.
"I don't know!! But I'm signing along with it, because it says, 'and sing from your heart, you'll see, the song will hold the key,' anyone with me?" Says Izzy, and she starts singing the along.♡
Then, Amber and Autumn join in. The other 3 friends: Grace, Paige and Sierra decide, what the heck... and start singing as well!!
"Guys!! The monster is melting away!! Look at this!!" Shouts Izzy!!
"Wow!! The song worked!!" Shouts Sierra.
"But... how?" Asks Amber... *flashback* "put them together, and you will be safe forever!!" *end of flashback* "Wait!! Remember this morning, when the principal gave us these necklaces?"
"What necklaces??" Asks Paige...
"Oh you weren't there... but does anyone else remember?"
"Yeah... so." Says Izzy.
"Remember she said, 'put them together and you will be safe forever'"
"Oh yea!! Those necklaces saved us!! And will keep saving us, forever!! That's so cool!!" Says Izzy.
"Yeah!!" Says Amber.
The girls,very satisfied in their necklaces, start walking towards the rainbow waterfall...for the second time, and hopefully Izzy won't unleash her powers again.
"Guys, do you think paige and I will get those necklaces?" Asks Grace.
"You would have to ask the principal...I feel like she's got some sort of magic powers, that helps defeat Elsas power..." Says Autumn.
"Agreed, she must have MADE those necklaces expecially for this occasion." Says Amber.
"Guys!! We made it through the waterfall, this time"-says Izzy interrupting the conversation.
Then, Elsa appears in front of all the girls!!
"Oops...did I speak too soon?"
"Let me see that necklace!!" Says Elsa, " or I will do something very terrible!!"
"No, Elsa, it is very special to me!!"
"Fine then..." *snap* " now give me that necklace."
"Ok, here you...wait it's not coming off, sorry Elsa."
" see this flute? It's very magical, and if you don't listen to my commands...this flute WILL turn you and your friends into stone!! I will not let you get back home!!"
"Let's get out of here Paige." Whispers Grace.
"Agreed" whispers Paige. They scamper off and up a tree.
"I'm sorry, Elsa...but I'm telling the truth. I can't take my necklace off." Says Izzy.
"Fine!!" *Elsa Plays Flute* "What!? But my flute worked last time... wait it's those stupid necklaces isn't it?"
"I guess so" Answers Izzy.
"Ugh!! I will come back!! You will NEVER get home to your mom Izzy!!" Yells Elsa as she leaves. *snap, unhypnotized*
"What just happened?"
Everyone looks at Izzy stunned, with what they just witnessed!!
"You mean you don't remember?" Asks Amber, the first one to talk in like 5 minutes of silence.
"No... all I remember is Elsa, coming to get our necklaces."
"Oh..." So Amber tells Izzy what she just saw, with all her friends agreeing as she speaks.
"Woah!! Wait... where's Paige and Grace?"
"We are right here!! We didn't want to get turned into stone...sinse we don't have those special necklaces yet." Answers Paige.
"Yeah." Says Grace.
"Woah!! (Again) This...... is.....awesome!! Our necklaces are the greatest things in the world!!" Says Izzy..." I wonder, if these necklaces could help get rid of my evil powers...and Elsa..." :o

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