Part 6

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I wake to a beeping noise and white walls. Bailey is sleeping in a chair next to me and an IV is fed into my arm.

A nurse walks in awhile later to check on me.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm good just tired."

"Good, you have got some bruising on your ribs, cheek, waist and thighs. You were dehydrated when they brought you in and we cleaned up your wrists and ankles. You also have a concussion and had some vaginal tearing that we had to stitch up, so no sex for at least six weeks."

"Before today I went for six months so that shouldn't be a problem." I huff a sad laugh.

She gives me a funny look but nods and tells me the police want to talk to me if I'm up to it.

I agree wanting to get it over with and she leaves the room.

"You're up." Bailey comments with a stretch.

"The police want to talk to me."

"Do you want me to leave?"

"I don't want you do have to listen to everything, you already saw more than enough. Will you stay close by?"

"Sure." She answers before standing. "I'll go get us something good to eat."

"Yes please, I'm starving. Thanks!"

An officer walks in just then. He's a handsome man with blue eyes and dark hair.

"Aiden. Hey how are you?" Bailey addresses him.

"Bailey, I'm good, you?"

"Good. Um, this is my friend Rosalie. Rosie this is Aiden, one of Jakes good friends."

"Hey Rosalie. I can get someone else to interview you if you're uncomfortable with speaking to someone who has connections to your fiends."

"No it's ok. They already know the basics of what's happened."

"Ok well I'm going to go find that food. I'll be back in a bit." Bailey says waving to us.

Aiden takes the seat Bailey just left from and takes out a tape recorder.

"Are you ok with this being recorded?"

"That's fine."

"Do you have any ideas on who did this to you?"

"He was wearing a mask. I didn't recognize anything about him."

"Can you tell me a little about what happened?"

I sigh and lay back to get more comfortable.

"I've been feeling like someone was watching me for the last couple months. When I came home our door was open. I started to dial 911 and that's when he grabbed me."

I take him through the night stopping when the gun makes it's appearance.

Tears slip from my eyes and I have to take a few calming breathes.

"I was so scared when he shoved the barrel inside me. When he couldn't make me come he threw it across the room and a round went off."

I wipe my tears away and glance over at Aiden. His jaw is clenched and brows furrowed.

"Could we maybe take a break for a few minutes?" I ask.

"Of course. Can I get you anything?"

"Maybe some water? If you wouldn't mind? My throat still feels so dry."

His Little Flower (18+) (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon