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Hey guys, I know it's been a while since I've touched this book. Rereading it, it just seems a bit jumbled and random to me. I know some of you love the book and are looking for more, but I'm conflicted.

I love Ella and I love her character.. it's just a bit chaotic.

I'm not deleting the book or getting rid of it, I'm thinking of discounting this book and rewriting it. I'm trying to think of a more cohesive way of writing it. I started this book years ago and I think my writing has improved past whatever this mess was.

I don't completely have a plan yet for writing her new story or a different title to use for her. But I'm thinking of changing some things and just improving it.

Overall, I'm just not happy with the storyline, so I hope you're all not too disappointed in my decision. I am considering keeping certain things about Ella's story like how Snape is her guardian, but the way Harry and her find are they're siblings come off strange to me so I do want to change that and the progression of her and Draco's relationship.

If you guys have ideas on what part of her story you liked and didn't like and would look for me to change I would like to hear your input. I'm not sure when Ella's new book will be out but I appreciate your support of this book and hope you look forward to her new story.

Any input or ideas are appreciated, thank you all and I will let you know when the new story is out.

Ella Potter (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now