Chapter 4

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What's going on here? What's going on?"

Attracted no doubt by Malfoy's shout, Argus Filch came shouldering his way through the crowd. Then he saw Mrs. Norris and fell back, clutching his face in horror.

"My cat! My cat! What's happened to Mrs. Norris?" he shrieked.

And his popping eyes fell on Harry.

"You!"he screeched. " You ! You've murdered my cat! You've killed her! I'll kill you! I'll--"


Dumbledore had arrived on the scene, followed by a number of other teachers, including Snape. In seconds, Dumbledore had swept past Harry, Ron, and Hermione and detached Mrs. Norris from the torch bracket.

"Come with me, Argus," he said to Filch. "You, too, Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger."

Lockhart stepped forward eagerly.

"My office is nearest, Headmaster - just upstairs - please feel free--"

"Thank you, Gilderoy," said Dumbledore.

"Professor Snape" Hermione called

"What" he said annoyed

"Ella" Hermione said nervous "their's something wrong with her"

Snape's eyes snapped to Draco and Ella. Snape hurried over and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Ella" he called waving his hand in front of her

"Professor is she ok?" Draco asked worried

"She's having a panic attack" Snape said worried

"Mr. Malfoy take her to the infirmary quickly please, Severus please come with us" Dumbledore said

"I'll be there as soon as I can" Snape said to Draco

Draco nodded and picked up Ella. He carried her to Madam Pomfrey, he layed her on a bed as Madam Pomfrey did everything she could to calm her down, after a while she calmed down and held onto Draco's hand. Madam Pomfrey left them alone.

"Where's my dad?" Ella asked softly

"He'll be here soon" Draco said caressing her hand

"Why isn't he here now, doesn't he care" Ella asked as a tear went down her cheek

"Of course he does Ella" Draco said

"I'm sorry dear" Snape said walking in

"dad" Ella said as Snape stood next to her bed 

"You'll be ok princesss" Snape said kissing her forehead

Ella smiled and fell asleep, Madam Pomfrey wanted her to stay the night just in case. Draco and Snape didn't leave her side until curfew. Snape made Draco go back to his dorm and Snape stayed with Ella all night. She'll be fine... She's a Potter after all.

Ella Potter (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now