Chapter 13

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Central Plaza

Yuri was currently sitting on a bench, drinking a "smoothie" he bought from a nearby stall. Having nothing to do, he decided to just roam the city to pass time. He went to countless places, some reminiscent of that from Earth. After emptying the drink, he threw the cup accurately into the trash bin on the other side of the path.

He yawned. "What should I fucking do? The most interesting thing I've experienced so far was that strange antagonistic group that I fought... Well, I didn't fight them all at once, but I think the one that I fought was their leader? He's really overpowered as hell."

"Got seriously hit with a reality check that no matter how good your shit is, it all comes down to how you'll use it..." he clicked his tongue. "Shame on me."

"Looks like I need to improve myself more. Since I've already got good senses and knowledge about my powers, I'll might be able to improve in just a short amount of time," he stood up from the bench and stretched himself. "I think I need to do this right now also, since I might encounter... those guys again, maybe even an incredibly overpowered isekai protagonist..."

"I hope that the powers they receive aren't that OP, since I'll be dead if I fought them," he inspected his right hand as he thought about his plans. "I must not encounter one of their species..."

Suddenly, an idea popped out of his mind.

"Wait a second..." he paused for a moment. "An isekai protagonist, when transported, start off weak as always, right?"

"Why didn't I consider that? I only thought about fighting them in their overpowered forms, not their beginner ones... I'm quite stupid at times..." he then pinched his forehead.

"They always get some sort of skill from the gods right--"


Only realizing this after weeks, he punched himself in the face out of anger, alerting the nearby bystanders. He then covered his face and screamed out of frustration.

"I'm fucking stupid as hell, why didn't I think of that the moment I got transported here?! I might not have to train at all, I'll just consume enemies and gain their stats and strengths! That's why I felt better when I consumed that mysterious hooded guy back at that alleyway!"

"Consume! It's literally--" he paused and took a deep breath. "Fucking hell. Why did I forgot? -  Why did I forget?"

"I just thought about the consume ability as to regain your health and stats when they're depleted, I forgot that it also gives you the abilities of the thing you ate, I'm such a fucking idiot. If I did that earlier, I would've clapped that guy's ass and sent their group to the shadow realm."

He sighed again. "Alright, now I got to think about who I should consume. Problem is, who or what though? I can't just eat someone powerful enough, I want to hold back and not just one shot every single opponent I come across..."

"I should start with monsters from the dungeon or something, or maybe those thugs from the underworld?" he said as he rubbed his chin.

"So many choices, so little time..."

"Alright, I'll choose the dungeons first," he then walked at the direction of the nearby guild, planning to take on a quest.

Prototype: Isekai'dOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora