Chapter 14

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" Facility - 7 "


Blood stained the dimly lit halls of the facility, creating a scene of horror. The once pristine floors were now covered with a gruesome splatter of flesh and mucus, indicating that a massacre happened. 

Lifeless corpses lay scattered along the hallways, their hands still holding their final items until they died. Bodies torn apart, limbs scattered everywhere, it was just a horrific scene that even those mighty adventurers might have trouble seeing it for themselves.

Suddenly, an eerie screech echoed throughout the area, followed by a loud barrage of gunfire from a nearby hall. The deafening sounds echoed through the facility, completely muting out the previous sound before.

The scene cuts abruptly to a disturbing sight—a grotesque flesh monster lying on the floor, its body riddled with bullet wounds. The creature, roughly the size of a chair, tried to wiggle its way out of its place, but it was futile.

Then, a few silhouettes materialize, casting shadows on the creature. 

A ROAR of flames ignite the air as the silhouettes unleash torrents of fire from the weapons in their hands. The flames engulf the monster, consuming it in a fiery inferno. In a matter of seconds, the flesh monster was reduced to nothing more than a charred, smoldering mass.

As the silhouettes step forward, their true forms are revealed. Soldiers dressed in black heavy clothing and equipped with gas masks, vests, and combat helmets. 

Their weapons, resembling flamethrowers at first glance, had a distinct look from their original counterparts. It didn't have a gas tank storing flammable liquid inside. Instead, their weapons appear more like guns. 

Within the barrel of each weapon, an orange glow flickers, suggesting that the flames originate from within the device itself.

... "Command, we're getting close to the bio-chambers," one soldier spoke to his mana comm. "Looks like most of those suckers got burned up at the entrance trying to escape, luckily not a single one escaped."

"This is just gonna be another day on the shit list," his teammate sighed in disappointment. "Was hoping for more of a fight, you know..."

"Go beat up those rookies back at base if you're really desperate then."

"Shut it, we're at the doors."

"Ready your weapons."

... "Confirm."

The soldiers positioned themselves next to the wall where the door was. The soldier who was next to the door reached out, pressing the button that triggers its opening mechanism. Without hesitation, one of the soldiers swiftly takes something from his gear and threw it into the chamber. It pinged and beeped.

Then, BOOM!

Immediately after it exploded, they surged forward into the chamber and cleared the room in just under a minute. After which, they now tried to pick up the pieces.

... "These capsules are all empty," one soldier said while looking at the previous containers of the specimens which breached containment. 

"No shit," his teammate said to him. "They all escaped. That's why we were sent in."

"Hey, I've received a command from... command. They said to check on specimen thirty-two or something," the other one exclaimed, then pointed his finger towards the end of a hall inside the chamber. "I think the room's further down that hall."

They all ready their weapons and approached the room. 



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