CH 2

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The hinges creaked as the person pushed with their full weight but the door held strong. I let out a slow breath, hoping that they would just go away. That was before something thudded loudly against the door, but this time, it splintered and a crack of light traveled across the floor of the cellar. Someone let out a small scream behind me, and I cursed them silently as movement outside the door ceased. But only for a moment. A deep voice shouted to others upstairs. I backed up, causing everyone else to press into each other, as the thudding continued until finally, hopelessly, the latch on the door broke.

The door swung from its hinges, hitting the cellar wall with a bang. I gritted my teeth and raised my bow, ready to meet the threat lurking outside the door. A silhouette of a man was outlined against the dim lighting. I couldn't make out much of his features as I altered my aim to the man's chest. He stood taller than any of us in the room, his head brushing against the doorframe. He didn't say a word as I stared him down, his eyes a perceptible glint in the dark. He took a step forward.

His lips curled into a cruel sneer and his dark eyes scanned the room's occupants, shining dangerously before coming to land on me. They roamed up my body, leaving behind an untraceable slime in its path. He cocked his head to the side as he studied me, like the arrow trained directly at his heart didn't trouble him. One man, I thought. I can take down one man. In all my years of archery, I never could manage to hurt a living creature. I always used the targets for practice, never joining in the occasional hunt the guards went on. Now I wished I had taken the opportunity.

"What's this? A little bird?" His words were halting, dipped in an accent that I didn't recognize. Briefly, I wondered where this man came from.

"Leave," I commanded, my voice steely against the rough walls. It didn't betray the trembling I felt on the inside.

"Why should I?"

I let loose my arrow, aiming slightly to the left at the last moment. It thudded quietly as it embedded its point into the mortar beside the intruder's head. I had another arrow nocked and ready before the man even blinked. "Leave. Now." I growled again.

"If you kill me, my men will burn this dwelling to ashes." He sounded almost bored as his savage eyes traveled the length of the arrow mere inches from his head. "With you in it."

"At least there will be one less monster in the world."

The corner of the man's mouth tugged upward in amusement. "Have you ever killed someone with that? Heard the sound of an arrow lodging itself into flesh and bone?"

I tried to contain the shiver that ran down my spine, but I wouldn't let the thought bother me. Not yet at least. Not until all of us were safe.

More footsteps pounded down the stairs until there were half a dozen men filling the doorway behind the raider. I swallowed hard at the rising panic that threatened to claw its way up my throat. Would they kill us? Or would they take us? No. I wouldn't let that happen. I wouldn't let my people perish at their hands. I refused to let my guard down.

No one said anything except for a couple snickers from the onlookers at my pitiful attempt to protect those behind me. My eyes fell to the weapons in their hands, swords covered in blood. It made my stomach churn.

One of the men stepped forward and my grip on the bow tightened, keeping my arrow carefully trained on the first man. He leaned in to whisper something into the man's ear and he turned his head slightly with a smug grin on his face. My eyes flicked between the two.

"I'll make a deal, little bird." My eyes snapped back to the first man. "We will leave this house and everyone in it. What's left anyway." A round of quiet laughter from his men made my blood turn to ice in my veins. "But you come with us."

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