CH 33

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The blast from the smoke bomb was enough to knock me off my feet, sending me over the edge of the platform and landing on my side at the bottom of the steps. When I tried to push myself up, a whimper left my lips from the sharp pain radiating down my arm.

The air was choked with black smoke, too much to have come from that single canister and screams were coming from the crowd. Footsteps pounded around me as people fled from the square and I hoped that I wouldn't get trampled in the midst.

"Dammit, Haiden. I told you not to throw it too close." A muffled voice reached my ears but even as I whipped my head from side to side, I couldn't see anything past my own fingertips. Until a pair of faces appeared inches from my own, white hair smudged gray from the smoke. They were in plain clothes, except for the belts around their waists that had been loaded with metal canisters identical to the one that had exploded.

"That one wasn't mine." Haiden hissed to his brother as they knelt next to me. They both had a handkerchief tied across their faces, either to keep the smoke from their lungs or to hide their identities. Probably both.

"Are you alright, Nori?" Haigen asked, ignoring his brother. Though I couldn't see his face, his pale blue eyes wrinkled in concern. He reached a hand towards me, but I jerked away, sending another spasm of pain down my arm.

"I think my arm might be broken. I landed on it."

"Alright, well..." Haigen's eyes widened, clearing his throat. His hands hovered over me but before he could do whatever he was planning to do, Haiden cut him off.

"We need to go before the smoke clears." Haiden pulled another canister from his belt, twisting the top and tossing it over his shoulder. It was shortly followed by another boom.

"What about Rylan? He's here too." I asked. The smoke was starting to clear and I could see vague shapes rushing around us. The balcony was now empty.

"Anders is taking care of that. We have to get you out of here." Haigen must've read the uncertainty on my face because he elaborate. "We'll meet up with them later."

With the twins' help, I managed to get to my feet with little pain from my shoulder. As soon as I was up, Haiden left, the smoke swallowing him and filling the empty spot he left behind. He reappeared moments later with a key in his hand. He unlocked the shackles around my wrists, dropping the dreaded thing on the ground. With my good hand, I cradled my arm to my chest.

How the twins knew where to go, I don't know. Without Haigen's hand on my back, I would've already been lost. The farther from the square we got, the thinner the smoke became. We ducked into an empty alleyway to catch our breath.

I pressed my back against the wall, filling my lungs with clean air again. My wrists bore a band of red from the cuffs and my arm had resorted to a dull ache so long as I didn't move it.

"We need to keep moving. Once they realize you're gone, these streets will be crawling with guards." Haiden poked his head around the corner

"Here. You'll have to put this on." Haigen approached me with a matching handkerchief but since I didn't have use of both of my arms, he had to tie it around my face for me. He took a step back, studying me.

My face may be covered now, but I still wore the green dress that screamed Verdanan and anyone that had been in the square would surely recognize me.

Haigen tore his jacket off, carefully draping it over my shoulder and stroked his chin before snatching Haiden's hat off his head. Haiden huffed, glaring daggers at his brother, who pulled the cap over my head.

"As long as we stick to the side streets, we should be fine." Haiden said over his shoulder, darting around the corner. I nodded, gritting my teeth against the pain in my shoulder as I quickened my pace to keep up with the twins.

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