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THE BLUE EYED TEENS, heart throbbed in her chest just at the sight of the very familiar woman that dismissed her the last time they spoken. She didn't even know if her crush knew of her existence anymore. It was like she'd just turned into complete dust and that really hit her hard. She just wanted to apologize for whatever she did wrong but she was too nervous.

The dark haired girls lips pouted out while she was stuck in a daze of staring at her crush with nothing to say.

"Uhhh, Zora, are you even listening to me at this point??" Zora flinched at the sound of one of her friends hand being placed onto her shoulder, causing her to look over at the dirty blonde.

Zora hummed and nodded her head, knowing she wasn't listening to a single word that was uttered from the woman's mouth. "Yeah, I was listening..."

Pushing her hand off of Zora with a hum of her own the female then crossed her arms over her chest with a head tilt. "Oh, really?"

"Yeah...." Zora lied through her teeth once again, hoping that if she just said that she was listening, her blonde friend wouldn't have anymore energy to actually sniff out her lie.

Eyeing the blue eyed girl down with yet another hum, she the uncrossed her arms from her chest and just shrugged. "Okay, I guess I believe you."

Zora smiled at her friend, knowing that the tactic she'd usually use on everyone else worked, "That's good! Atleast I know we have trust inbetween us, hehe..!!"

"Nah, no trust," the other woman chuckled to show that she was just joking around, "just laziness, I guess.."

"Yeah, that too Nicki," Zora giggled along with her before she whipped her blue eyes back over to the girl that was doing nothing but reading.

The female that went by the name Nicki saw the way Zora's smile was immediately gone from her face and she looked over to see what she was so fascinated by.

Her hazel eyes followed Zora's blue ones and not too long after, the women were both eyeing down the same girl.

"Hmmm, what's so interesting about her?" She chuckled, unaware of the way Zora's heart dropped down to her stomach.

Zora turned her face back over to Nicki's in shock, "What?! How.. how do you know who I'm looking at?!"

"Uhmmm, because I have eyes as well...?" She tried to get the other woman to giggle along to her joke, but all she saw was a panicked Zora looking like she was about to have an actual heart attack. "Hey.. why do you look so nervous.. Uh- did I do something wrong...?"

"No!! No, you're fine! You're cool!! It's all okay..!" She forced herself to laugh out, her smile being so clearly fake.

Nicki backed away a little bit as she tossed her blonde hair over her shoulder with pursed lips, "I mean.. a-are you sure you're alright..? You look pretty-"

"Ahhh! Thank you so much! I actually decided to do my hair earlier this morning! Do you like the way it looks?!"

Zora attempting to change the subject really didn't help her at all, in fact, it made Nicki grow suspicious about her new behavior. She turned so different just by a quick sentence.

"Uhm, it looks nice, yeah... I really like how you... Uh... Brought out your curls!" She gave the dark haired girl a fake smile of her own, only Zora was too busy focusing on her own mess ups and emotions to even notice that Nicki's smile wasn't sincere either.

Leaning over and trying to seem interested in what the blonde had to say, Zora batted her eyelashes with her heart beating loudly in her body. "Thank you!! I- I really try, you know?!"

"Yeah... Sometimes I do my hair, s-sometimes I don't..." Nicki mumbled, not even sure of what she was talking about anymore.

Just as Zora was about to open her mouth to speak out once again, it seemed that Nicki beat her to it, "Hey.. I'll catch you sometimes later, yeah..??"

Zora piped up and stiffened in her seat while she pursed her lips and allowed a muffled hum to come from her throat as she nodded her head up and down.

Turning on her heel to get away from the off putting woman that began to make her feel uncomfortable, Nicki pushed her hair behind her ear with low whispers coming from underneath her breath.

Once the blonde was finally out of sight, the blue eyed girl gladly turned herself back around to stare at her crush once again.

As she just kept watching the females every move, she let out a lovesick huff before she propped her chin in the palm of her hand.

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