Part -1 : " The Ritual "

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The golden hour has turned into the blue hour suddenly, letting the world know that it's getting almost evening

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The golden hour has turned into the blue hour suddenly, letting the world know that it's getting almost evening. The deep forest mixing the green and blue together, making the whole environment mythically magical. The whole forest is calm, tacit. Not a single sound of any animals, birds or insects can be heard except of the sounds of irregular breathing of a woman. A beautiful, broken from inside, trying to stay alive type woman who is the owner of a pure burning soul,

Jass is sitting in the middle of the forest, her head resting on her knees as she is staring at the soft green grass. Her stare is blank, her mind is infirm. Jass usually doesn't come this deep of the forest ever. It's her first time coming this far, this deep of the forest at a hour like this.

She loved this forest always, spent her time on the forest where nobody was there to disturb her, taunt her, curse her for almost everyday for past three months. Her house is also not so far away from the forest though. To be correct, not her but her grandmothers house which is fairly ditached from the town and where she lives alone without anyone. Her grandparents died a long ago and being a writer, she leads quite a simple and loner life here on this quiet place.

She always hated peoples around her as nobody ever took her as normal person. They all called her witch because of her unique behavior and unique nature. They all called her freak, told her appearance spread unknown curses on the air to wherever she went. Everyone made her feel like nothing but worthless living thing that should have never been even born. And that is why she is living a complete separate life by her own all alone for last three months here.

As much as she loves the alone and peaceful time here, she also feel left alone, isolated, abandoned by everyone also. Of course it was her choice to leave everything behind and start living all on her own but sometimes she feels like she is the one who is left behind by everyone.

And maybe she is abandoned by peoples because she has suffered a lot growing up among them. They never took her as normal, they never showed a drop of kindness or never treated her like she should have been treated. All those words of them, looks of them, they made her feeling everyday like she should never even be existed in this world. Like she shouldn't have come to the earth at the very first place. Or her parents should have just killed her before she was even born.

Horrible thoughts, aren't they? But she can't help, she can't stop thinking, hating her whole existence because of the way of people always behaved with her throughout her life. They always said she was different, treated her different, made her believe that she wasn't normal, was never one of them.

Maybe she is not one of them. Because she can see what normal people can't see. She can feel what normal people can't feel. She watches visions from future or past that comes out as truth always. She can predict future by having visions. And on the past she often did, often predicted and let people know the most ominous futures of peoples death, tragic accidents and destruction which always came true. It was never on her control, she could never know why she had those visions and how they were coming true. All she know is it all started on her thirteenth birthday and her life was never the same for her after that day .

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