charming jin

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.✧ ➤ ❝  charming jin ...?¿ ❞

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yuri picked at her food, lost in thought

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yuri picked at her food, lost in thought. everyone else had already finished eating and were quick to go do their own things— excluding the oldest since he was the one who had prepared his own food, therefore being the last to eat, and yuri, who was a slow eater. well, not always but recently she had started eating slower, eating less.

now that she had been in korea for awhile and the excitement of the new experience was wearing off, home sickness was getting to her. she missed canada. she missed her room (one that was all for her, not cramped). she missed when she actually considered a good student at school and she missed her friends. as much as she loved the language here, she missed speaking in english. she missed the food, missed enjoying her meals without thinking about how much it would effect her body.

she missed her family. she missed her father the most. her brother visited her from time to time and she talked to her mom over the phone as much she could, but her dad was still not convinced on her impulsive decision to move to korea. he wasn't against it, he just thought she had rushed the decision. in his mind, she could have tried auditioning to other companies, bigger companies with a better reputation.

now she was thinking that maybe her dad was right about her being too rash about the decision. this was turning out to be a mess where she couldn't even talk to half the boys she was supposed to be with for the rest of her career.

yuri missed home.

"um... are you okay?"

"what?" yuri looked up, breaking out of her thoughts. she saw jin sitting in the chair furthest from her, a bowl of steaming ramen in front of him. "oh. yeah, i'm fine. i'm sorry."

he looked around confused before turning back to yuri, "for what?"

"oh... i don't know," she shrugged and then muttered, "sorry."

they fall back into an awkward silence, an occasional slurp from jin.

"are you not eating?" he asked.

"i am," she nodded, "i'm just not very hungry."

"is the food not good?"

"it's good," she nodded immediately.

they fell into yet another silence, until it was broken by the sound of a plate sliding on the table. jin had poured a little bit of his ramen onto a plate and slid it over to yuri.

"oh no, please," she shook her head, "that's not—"

"eat it," jin said, "it's good, i swear."

she hesitatedly before nodding, "thank you."

she was a little wary while eating, seeing as he was trying his best not to seem like he was watching her, but he was very much failing. she finally took a bite of the noodles. then she took another and another until the noodles were all gone. within three bites, she had finished eating the small portion of noodles while she had been munching on her dinner for over twenty minutes without even making a dent in her food.

jin was shocked but continued to pretend like he didn't see. that was until she changed her seat to be a little bit closer to him, only a one person difference between them.

he looked up from his food, looking at her.

"um..." she cleared her throat, her cheeks turning a little red, "can i have some more? just a little bit."

"oh, of course," he nodded, pouring half of his food into her plate.

"that's too much—"

"i'm not that hungry," he said, "you can have it if you like it."

"thank you," she smiled a little, "oh! how about i make you something in return?"

"you can cook? you're like ten."

"i am not ten!" she exclaimed, "i'm almost 15– 16 in korean age!"

"i don't believe it."

"i can cook," she said, "my parents own a restaurant back home so i learned how to make the basic stuff. namjoon just doesn't allow me near the stove because he thinks i'll cause an accident like taehyung."

"oh, we he managed to burn a plate," jin nodded, "that was a fun day."

"not for tae. anyway, you're older than namjoon so you have more authority which means that if you allow me to cook then he can't say anything."

"that also means if you get hurt or cause a fire, i'll be the one questioned."



"can i cook, please?"

he sighed, "fine, let's see if you can actually cook or not."

an hour later, the two of them sat with empty dishes in front of them, their stomachs full. "you can definitely cook," jin said.

"you know, you remind me of my dad," yuri blurted out.

"what? are you calling me old?"

"no... well, actually yes," she nodded, "you are really old."

"i'm only 20!"

"that's really old. but also you just remind me of dad. i don't know why," she shrugged and then sighed, "maybe i just miss him too much."

jin looked over at her, his face now completely serious. "how long have you been here?"

"um... almost 3 years now."

his eyebrows furrowed, heart aching for her, "you haven't been back at all?" she shook her head. jin was 20 now and still in the same country as his parents, yet he still got homesick all the time. he couldn't imagine what it was like for yuri.

"my dad loves cooking," she said randomly, catching his attention once more, "that's why he has his own restaurant. he taught me some of his easiest recipes that he says will help me survive," she laughed a little, "you seem like you like to cook too. that's why i said you remind me of him. that and also you both have really bad dad jokes."

"my jokes are comedic genius."

"sure they are."

they fell into another silence, this time not an awkward one.

"so who's gonna do the dishes?" yuri asked, staring at the messy table in front of them.

"you obviously," jin said immediately, "i'm older, you can't make me do the dishes. that would be disrespectful."

"i'm canadian, i don't believe that stuff," she refuted.

"you're in korea," he stood up quickly and was out the room in a second, "have fun!"


annie's thoughts 💭:
this was supposed to be for jin's birthday but
it took too long

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