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She was breathing heavily, today is definitely not a good day for me. She thought.

The driver came down, he was about to apologize when the car door open.

She first saw a pair of black shining shoes. Damn the shoes must be very
expensive, she thought.

A man came out of the car. She started staring from his expensive shoes, to his Amani suit, she noticed his rolex watch, even if you sell your head you won't be able to buy that watch, her subconsciousness mocked her, she frown at the thought.

She noticed how his suit hug his body. Damn this man has great physique. She thought. 

She looked at his face, the air was knocked out of her lungs, he was the most handsome man she had ever seen. She stare at his Pink lips, her eyes trace his perfect sculptured cheekbones, then to his perfect nose, she looked at his long eye lashes, girls most be jealous of his eyes lashes. She thought. And then she looked at his eyes, her breath ceased. Wow! Is he a greek god she thought. Her thought was interrupted when she heard him speak.

"Close your mouth, you wouldn't want flies to enter your mouth now would you" He said. He was already annoyed with her. But he couldn't deny the fact that she was really beautiful.

"Didn't your mom taught you that it's rude to stare at people" he asked rudely. Rose frown at him.

"Didn't your mom taught you how to speak to a lady with respect" she ask him. Xavier narrowed his eyes at her.

"Do you realize what you just did" he asked.

"Do you know the cost of this car" he asked again angrily. She looked at the car and her eyes widened, she didn't notice it earlier because she was very angry,

Wow this man is wealthy, he drives bugatti la voiture noire. She became nervous, she knew how expensive that car is. She had seen It on tv when
they were advertising it. (I knew your craziness will put you in trouble one day, now you have seen what I was talking about) her subconscious laughed at her. Shut Up who asked you for your opinion, she blocked her. Her thought was interrupted when he spoke again.

"Do you know that this car can buy you and your entire generation" he ask.

She can't believe that this is the guy she was drooling at. He is rude and arrogant and she hate those type of men. She was so angry, first it was that asshole and now is this piece of shit.

"You self-centered, arrogant asshole" she shouted. She was now breathing heavily. "Who do you think you are?" you almost killed me instead of apologizing you are insulting me, Just because you are rich you think the world revolves around you. I feel bad for you, the world is a tough for people like you, that's why you act like a dick. I feel bad for your wife, she must be taking a lot from you" She said.

At the mention of his ex wife he eyes turn dark, he clenched his fist. "I'm going to forgive you this once  because I have somewhere important to be right now. Don't you ever cross my path again, if you see me coming go the other way, because if you pull again this stunt you pulled just now, you will regrets ever meeting me" he said coldly. Rose was already scared but she was put on a brave face. He got into the car and his driver drove off.

"He is really scary" she said putting her hand her chest. "He so handsome but his personality sucks" she muttered.

Her phone ran she took it out of her pocket and look at the caller it was her best friend lolita. They have being friends since childhood.

" Hey rosa how are you" lolita asked with her usual cheerful voice.

"Hi baby, I'm doing fine how about you" she tried to sound cheerfully.

Mr. Arrogant Meets Ms. FeistyWhere stories live. Discover now